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Leafy's POV

...weeks have passed now and...

"Leafy! You seem THRICE as haply as usual" gelatin came walking towards me.

"Oh- ahahaha... Yeh. Guess i am" I answered nervously..

"Did something good happen lately?"

"What are you talking about? Everything is all good!"

"Really now?...are you sure you aren't happy because of medications~?"

"I- I I'-"

"Haha! I'm just kidding! You're always truly happy! Anyway, gotta go now. Or else donut will scold me!" Gelatin ran off laughing...

That was close...

...Does he know?


Third Person POV

Leafy has been taking her pills almost 3 times a day, 7 days a week.

It's becoming her daily routine now. Taking pills here and there, making sure no one sees her nor can anyone suspect anything from her sudden burst of "happiness".

Surprisingly, no one has taken any suspicions...until now.





"UWAH!!- h-huh?! O-oh! Hey...c-coiny!" Leafy stuttered. She was just about to take her pills. She didn't really hid that well.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ohhh.. ya know... Just...taking a walk? L-like usual!"

"Huh.. what's that behind your back?" Coiny pointed at leafy's hands hiding in her back.

"W-what?- oh! I-its nothing!"

" sure?" Coiny slowly walked forward while Leafy slowly stepped backwards

"Y-yes! I-its really just nothing! Haha.."

Leafy tried her best to hide her secret. Fortunately for her, Coiny believed her. He sighed

"Well ok. If you say so" Coiny headed back to the grounds and out of the forest. Leafy sighed of relief.

"That's the second time I almost got caught..." Leafy muttered to herself. She's now thinking on how to be more hidden when taking her pills.

Speaking of which, she took one of the pills and a water bottle that she always carries. She ate the pills and swallowed it by drinking water. She waited a couple of minutes before feeling the sudden urge of happiness flowing inside her. After making sure no one was in the area, she returned to where the contestants are without everyone noticing anything...


Almost everyone...


Coiny's POV

Day after day, Leafy always seems more and more suspicious. I'm starting to worry for her. She might be having problems and she can't even tell it to me or Pin. Doesn't she know that we care for her?

"Hey Coiny"

I looked at my right to see Firey sitting right beside me.

"Hey.. funny seeing you here. Do you need something?"

"No. I just saw you lost in thought. I was wondering about what's going on inside your head" Firey said... Should i even tell him about my suspicions towards Leafy?.. I mean.. doesn't he hate her?

"Oh..uh. it's nothing." I decided not to tell.. but still, I atleast need to tell this to someone.. this might cause bigger problems later on. For what i notice, Leafy seems to be switching from being super happy and being less happy. It's not mood swings, is it?

"Coiny. You're spacing out"


" too huh?" Firey said, which caught me by surprise

"What do you mean?" Does he also think about Leafy.. i never notice.

" it Leafy?"

..he knows..

"..yeah. how did you know? And, not only that, why do you bother thinking about it? Don't you guys...hate eachother?"

"Well..not really... Look, I'll explain later but. I've noticed it too.. she kinda seems to disappear at random and then come back. But the weird thing about it is that when she comes back out the forest, she's suddenly super energetic and happy.. isn't it a bit weird?"

"..Yeh. not only that, I kinda bumped into Leafy at the forest earlier today. And when I came to talk to her, she was..scared? I don't know, she was stuttering alot which is not really normal since she's usually direct when speaking. It also seems like she's hiding something"

"Guess we're on the same page." Firey said. I nodded in agreement

"Hey Coiny.. can you keep a secret?"


".. don't tell anyone that we had this conversation about our concerns with Leafy. You can share what you said.. but don't ever tell anyone that i discussed about it too.."

"..can i ask why?"

"... I'll explain some other time." Firey stood up.

"..nice talking with ya." He walked off..

" too.".. I'm kinda surprised that Firey doesn't really hate Leafy.. but i wonder why he's hiding the fact they're still friends..

Oh well. I'll know some other time...

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