Talk about it (Part 2)

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Third Person POV

"WHAT?!?!" Exclaimed both Needle and Eggy

"Why?? She's being awfully mean and, you said it yourself too! So why now? Why after all this time?" Needle said shockingly

"Yeh! You kept ranting and ranting about her being the biggest liar in all of this whole thing, she stole dream island, she tried to kill needle, and now you want us to stop hating her after everything you said about her???" Eggy then added

"..yeh- look i can explain-"

"You better" Needle cutting off Firey

"I-i am but first, i need you all to do me a favor" Firey asked

Both Eggy and Needle raised a brow, wondering where this conversation is going to go

"..ok? What is it" Needle asked

"...i need y'all to help me look out for Leafy. But.. she must NOT know that we are looking out for her" Firey said which only confused Eggy and Needle more

"Us? Look after Leafy? Why?"

"Well..." Firey sighed

"Me and Coiny had a talk about her.. we're getting suspicious about her weird actions" Firey answered Eggy

"..what do you mean by weird actions?"

"..well.. lately she's been getting happy for no apparent reason and..whenever she feels saddened she also goes to somewhere in the forest...after that she seems happy again" Firey explained his suspicions towards Leafy to Eggy and Needle

The two looked at eachother, the back to Firey

"...any more information? Maybe it's just.. Leafy being...Leafy" Eggy said

"Yeh, you guys didn't really see eachother for a couple years and maybe..Leafy just got her own weird habits?" Needle said which got Firey thinking...

"But still... it's kinda weird.. don't cha think? And other than that, Coiny did say she always brings a water bottle with her"

"..maybe she's thirsty?" Needle said

"Yeh- that's what Coiny guessed too but... It's kinda weird to hide yourself drinking water. And even if me and Leafy haven't seen eachother, the only crazy thing she's ever done was throwing knives and that's about it."

"I don't think that's crazy but more like psycho-"

"Anyways, not my point. So...will you help me?" Firey asked

The other two were hesitant..but they decided to help

"Fine..but this doesn't mean we're friends with Leafy..well. I don't know if you are but I'm not" Needle reassured.

"Good enough. And thank you" Firey smiled at them


"SEE?! What did i told ya i knew they'll understand!" Coiny said after hearing tge news that Firey told

"Yeh yeh, and...i think we'll need more help. As Leafy's friend , I'm worried about her sudden actions"

" too."

Firey and Coiny we're sitting on top of a hill, not far away from where the main area is.

"Hmm.. hey.. does Pin know this?"

"Hmm?" Coiny looked at Firey

"Pin. Does she know about.. y'know. All this?"

"Ah...i.. haven't told her much about it yet" Coiny said

"I see.. i think it you should tell, she's worrying for her too y'know"

"Guess so.."


Leafy's POV

Another one, another one... And another....

I   n e e d   m o r e . . .



HI!!! Also, gomen'nasai! I know i said I'll...T R Y to be active but.. I'm also trying to become active in all my other socials.

Also, if you have fanart abput this story

You can go to my insta (i won't write it here yet since I'm planning to change it)

Anyways. New chapter! Sorry if it's a bit short! I love all your support and all your comments about the chapters. I'm really glad and grateful you're enjoying this scrap story that i have going on.

I.. didn't expect a lot of people to like this but.. anyways, I won't make this not any longer so

Arigatou and See you on the next chapter!


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