Chapter 18

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Making their way back towards the Glade running through a puddle Mariah also instantly ran towards Newt collapsing in his arms from exhaustion wrapping her arms around him just as he did the same pulling her closer. He was worried as hell about her after hearing all the rumbling and loud noises coming from the usually silent maze. He placed his lips on the crown of her head closing his eyes just being happy that she was alive, exhausted but alive nonetheless.

Pulling away slightly he looked back towards Minho and Thomas asking "Now, what the hell is going on out there?"

"What the hell you done now Thomas?" Mariah heard Gally ask as she moved so she could walk without leaning on to Newt so much. Through Newt kept an arm wrapped around her refusing to let her go after the scare she had just given him.

"We found something, a new passage. We thinking it could be a way out." Thomas told him

"Really?" Newt asked hopefully tightening his grip on Mariah out of excitement making her smile at his cuteness

"It's true." Mariah and Minho chorused before Mariah went silent letting Minho talk "We opened a door, something I'd never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day."

"Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa." Chuck said catching Thomas's attention along with Mariah who glanced toward the kid. Mariah was the one that showed Chuck around and gave him the tour. She took him under her wing and made sure no one messed with him. He was sorta like an annoying little brother to her. Though the past couple of days have made it so Mariah hasn't been able to spend a lot of time with him like she was able to do before."Wait, you're saying you found the Griever's home? And you want us to go in?"

Mariah made a face, he had a valid point and good reason to be scared so Mariah couldn't blame him for asking that.

"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck," Thomas told the boy gently

Gally interrupted their cute little moment "Yeah, or there could be a dozen Griever on the other side. The truth it, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual."

Mariah didn't know if it was from exhaustion the annoyance that she had felt towards him for the past bay but she snapped pulling away from Newt's arms pushing through the people of the crowd grabbing hold of Gally's shirt forcing him to her height as she glared at him with annoyance and exhaustion written clear on her face as a scowl formed "LIsten Gally, I don't know what in the hell has gotten into you the past few days but I'm sick of it! Thomas has done more in the past few days then you have in three years!"

He growled pushing her away glaring towards her as Newt gently grabbed her arm pulling her into his arms trying to calm her down before Gally looked towards Thomas who was just as pissed off as she was "She's right you know! What have you done? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time."

Gally glared towards him "Let me tell you something Greenie. You've been here three days, all right? I've been here three years."

Thomas glared back "Yeah, you've been here three years, and you're still here Gally." Mariah smiled into Newt's shirt feeling proud of Thomas for snapping back like that "All right, so what does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently."

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