Joining Theo

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Liam's POV

It's been three days since Lydia was saved and she has joined me in this room. It's also been three days since I have heard from Stiles. Even though I barely know him I'm still worried. From what these people have told me about Theo he isn't a good person. That makes me think that he is hurting Stiles in some way.

Lydia and I have established the mental link. I bet you Stiles would be in the link too if he would answer. I have constantly been trying to talk to him but nothing.





Lydia is that you

So I've been told, but I don't really know who that is

You won't. Your memories had already been gone when you died so the cure brought you back but it didn't restore them

Stiles I haven't heard from you in days are you okay

Yeah Theo roughed me up a little bit but other than that I'm fine

Who's Theo

He's a jerk who basically kidnapped Stiles here

I wasn't kidnapped I went on my own free will to protect Jackson and the rest of you guys

Who's Jackson

His fiance. Yell his name and you'll find out. That's what I did, and it works

"JACKSON!!" I suddenly heard her yell. Man she was serious. He came running in just like last time, but this time he had bags under his eyes and it looked like he hadn't been sleeping.

"Wow you are hot. No wonder Stiles likes you." He blushed but perked up.

"You talked to Stiles? Is he okay? What's going on?" He was full on panicking. He must really love him.

I swear to God Liam don't tell him

"Stiles says he's fine but he is just getting beat up by Theo." His face went pale. I could hear Stiles screaming at me in the back of my head to shut up but I had still told him. There goes Stiles trust in me.

"That's it. I'm getting Scott and we are going to go get Stiles back. I don't care if it kills me." He was about to storm out when suddenly I yelled for him to stop.

"Maybe we just have to give Theo what he wants." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm serious Jackson. Stiles had said before that Theo wants a pack. If he wants it so bad then let's give it to him."

"No Liam we were trying to get Stiles out of there we don't want to go in." Crap. He still wasn't understanding me.

"No. Jackson we infiltrate his plan and report back to you. Just like Stiles has been doing this whole time. Three is better than one. Just don't give him Malia or Kira and then we'll have an advantage. If it works the same way that it has for the three of us then we'll be able to communicate telepathically." He didn't get it and he seemed confused.

"Fine tell stiles to tell Theo where to meet you guys and I'll drive you." Then he left.

Stiles POV

I can't believe that Theo is still hitting me. He'll hit me then force me to kiss him. More and more memories have been coming back and I feel like I almost have them all. It doesn't seem like it's working that way for Liam not Lydia so what makes me so special? Why do I get to know who I am when they don't even have a clue. All I want is to go home. See my dad, my family, but Theo would never allow that and right now I can't make him angry.

Theo hasn't let me leave since I came back smelling like Jackson. I think he knows that I am not on his side and it's making him angry. I don't know how much longer I can deal with him. But it's only been like two weeks or something like that. I can make it through all of this. All of this will be worth something when Theo is defeated. That's the only way that any of this will be worth it.

"Stiles." His voice just makes me flinch. I remember the person I was before. I really do. That person was strong and loyal and someone who couldn't be defeated easily. If that person were to see me now they would be very disappointed.

"Please don't hit me again." He laughed and placed a hand on my cheek where a hand mark laid from before. He then removed his hand and kissed the mark. The feeling of his lips on my skin made me cringe. It felt horrible like sandpaper.

"Oh Stiles. When are you going to see that I'm only doing this because I care about you." He's lying. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Tell Theo that me and Lydia will join him. Tell him to meet us at the lake house at 10 pm tonight.

You guys can't give yourselves up. Lydia doesn't even know me

I don't have to to know that this is the right thing to do. I want to help

Fine I'll tell him just make sure to tell me the plan

"Theo Liam and Lydia want to join you. They said to meet them at the lake house at 10 pm tonight." Theo knew about my connection with them. He beat it out of me. For two days. I would've held it in but he started using fire against me and now I have burn scars all over my back and torso.

"Finally they have come to their senses then. Fine we will go. You will stay in the car unless you are needed. You shouldn't be since they don't know anything but then again they could remember like you do." My mouth dropped open. How did he figure it out?

"You knew Jackson. You kissed him. I kind of figured it out. But let's go we have business to attend to." He then ripped me from the floor and hauled me to another room. Probably to get beaten again. I just hope they can pull this off.

It's in their hands.

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