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SAKUSA HASTILY MADE HIS WAY TOWARDS THE FUNCTIONING CAR THAT HE FOUND, his hands worked desperately with the keys fumbling with the right ones, before revving the engine

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SAKUSA HASTILY MADE HIS WAY TOWARDS THE FUNCTIONING CAR THAT HE FOUND, his hands worked desperately with the keys fumbling with the right ones, before revving the engine.

Sakusa let out a string of curses as he turned on his phone, Atsumu being dumb enough to leave his location on so he knew where he was located.

The black haired male tried to drive amidst the tears blurring his vision, and the disturbing crack of bones whenever he drove on top of dead corpses.

His heart was heavy and his mind was cluttered with thoughts of Atsumu. "will he really die now?" sakusa mumbled, turning a corner as he followed the gps on his phone.

After a few minutes of hurried driving, Sakusa made his way towards the worn down house. He slammed the door open frantically looking for the blonde male he loved ever so dearly.

"MIYA!!" He yelled desperately, searching every corner of the house to see no sign of the boy. He double checked his phone; this was the correct house— WHY?! WHY THE FUCK WASNT HE HERE—

"Omi-kun~ is that you?" Atsumu's weak voice echoed from upstairs, Sakusa's eyes widened as he climbed the stairs up carefully.

"It really is you." Atsumu breathed out, the moment he laid his eyes on Sakusa's approaching figure. "D-Dumbass..." Sakusa whimpered, pulling Atsumu in for a tight hug.

The blonde hugged back, wrapping his arms tightly around Sakusa's broad shoulders. At this point the two basked in the comfortable silence, as they embraced each other tightly. Their silence was interrupted however when Sakusa looked him in the eye.

"We have to get out of here, Miya." Sakusa says sternly, making the blonde raise an eyebrow. "But— why?"

"The air here is toxic. another survivor who's now dead im afraid told me that the air in the north was toxic. please we have to leave." Sakusa pleaded.

As Atsumu was about to retort, he coughed loudly whilst rolling the sleeve of his shirt up carefully. Sakusa's heart seemed to stop beating and his pupils were blown wide at the sight.

"I got bitten, omi kun. I'm sorry."

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