It's... Not a cold night outside here?

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I am now ready to work on this story! I hope you all enjoy!

Have fun reading this!

Word count: 928


Frisk followed Chara to the door at the end of the hallway, into the snowy forest, if it is still the same as Frisk remembers it.

Frisk looked at Chara as he said, "after you,"

Her eyes widened when she realized Chara couldn't open the door.

She reached out to open it, but, before she could reach it, where her hand would of been was a now burst of flames, making her yell out in surprise, and stumble back, Chara also was surprised as both turned to a.. Hybrid of a human and monster.

What stood there was a person, well, a grayed out person, whith dragon like claws and a dragon like tail, horns seemed to go behind their head, and narrow eyes glared at Frisk.

"If you want to go, you must get through me first." The hybrid spoke, flaming balls being fired at Frisk immediately as she dodged, barely able to dodge them as the flaming balls wizzed past.

"What the!" Frisk stated, the only monster that stopped Frisk at the end was Toriel, so... Was this being similar to Toriel? Did it hold the same backstory..?

That confused her.

Frisk listened to Chara's advice, dodging when possible, and paying attention when Chara said things like "looks like they're preparing a deadly attack."

And, they were, the last one Frisk couldn't dodge was a flaming claw, and it hit Frisk incthe shoulder, leaving a bleeding clawmark right there.

Frisk made sure to avoid attacks from then on there, such as any that could be.. Well.. Painful. As the flaming claw attack was still a searing pain in her shoulder, and didn't go away for the majority of the fight.

Frisk ignored her pain though, and repeatedly tried to compromise with the attacking hybrid, refusing to fight, and, eventually, said something that got them to hesitate.

"I wont fight you!" Their eyes clouded in a memory before they shook their head, yelling out, "then die!" As they punched at a spoke Frisk had side stepped barely,'before moving closer and hugging the hybrid, mumbling, "I won't do that either." And hugging them tightly.

And that was the end of that fight, ending with Frisk only gaining smaller wounds, as she "spared" another being, it's color returning to them with brown hair, and red like eyes, their clothes gained color, and the only thing that stayed the same were the... "Monster" parts to them.

"I... I..."They stuttered, and Frisk knew exactly what they were going to say, which Frisk said before they could speak, "you don't need to appologize, I forgive you." Which got them to start crying out all they held in, and Frisk hugged them and waited for them to calm down.

Once they quietened, Frisk moved bsck, and looked at the Hybrid, saying "I'm Frisk. Who're you?" And waiting for a respons.

"N-Nara." They spoke, looking at Frisk in mild confusion at the question.

Frisk smiled as she asked another question, which was something that was required for Frisk.

"Do you have any spare clothes I can use..?" Frisk asked, looking at the ripped up clothes she had on before looking back up at Nara, which Nara nodded, saying, "yes, yes, of course there are spare clothes here." And moving off to a room in the house, coming back with black and two gray stripes on the shirt, which Frisk replied with a thanks and moved into a room to change into the new shirt.

Once frisk got out of the room, she spotted Chara sitting near the end of the hallway, waiting boredly, which Frisk sweatdropped at.

Nara was nowhere to be seen, which Frisk walked up to Chara and questioned about.

"Where did Nara go..?" Frisk asked, confusion filled her voice as she spoke.
Chara simply replied "they left to the ruins when you left to change, they seemed confused."

"Do you think they'll be alright?" Frisk asked, worry in her voice, which Chara shrugged off, saying "they've lived here for a long time, they'll be fine."

Frisk, after some time of waiting to see if Nars would return, and after waiting, left with a ntoe saying "sorry for not waiting, decided to go looking around."

As Frisk opened the door to the new area, she could tell that the place was not cold, nor was it warm, any snow that could of been falling was frozen in place,leaving Frisk confused.

"It's not cold out here..?" Frisk questioned aloud, getting Chars to mumble, "almost as if time stopped..."

"This is going to be fun.." Chara Spoke in a sarcastic voice.

"It'll be interesting, that's for sure!" Frisk Responded, cheerfully walking ahead, trying to see the bright side of things.

"Maybe.." Chara Responded, before looking ahead, his voice was a little.. Off.

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Frisk Questioned, looking at him with worry, that probably confused him a lot.

"I just can't tell who you really are anymore..." Chara Spoke, walking ahead, not shooting a glance back at Frisk.

'Sometimes... I can't tell myself...' Frisk Thought, before running to catch up.

This will take a while to get Chara on okay terms with me again. Frisk thought, avoiding her old traincof thoughts as she continued forward, until a voice was heard from behind her.

"Hey, what's a kid doing out here?"

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