The HHL, and it feels like we're kinda a family.

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Word count: 949


Curse stood there, waiting for the last monsters he was rounding up to go to the lab, once everyone got there, the doors would be locked, and the trip was a long ride there.

Without Curse, that is, but, he knew hidden passages, shortcuts, and ways to travel around, he had time to learn, after all.

But... Frisk. There was something unsettling about her, one being the fact that ahe was new, Curse never remembered her being here before, sure, he ran into Kali a lot, and it was hard to tell how they'd be each run, hard to read.

But, what worried Curse about Frisk was that he could read Frisk, he knew Frisk had an idea what was going on, where to travel, even if it was a small bit.
And, the fact that Frisk was familiar with Curse got him uneasy, which was why he lied about being late.

To get away from the unsettling feeling, that, and because he felt strangely like they used to be friends.
Even though he never met Frisk, that made him want to avoid her.
The strange feeling of friendship he had with her that he didn't even understand about how it would be possible.

Curse, still, couldn't avoid Frisk, something wouldn't let him avoid them for long, maybe it was a feeling of friendship with them..? Most likely.
And the fact that Frisk helped them.

Curse owed Frisk for fixing this all so far, and, for helping Den.
Maybe this time things will change..?

He remembered what he heard from Frisk when they died.
Frisks last wish, their last will, one that Curse usually wouldn't let come true, but, he owed Frisk, so, he conpleted it.

I can't die! Not yet... He remembered that Frisk wanted to help, and, from knowing what Frisk was doing so far.

Frisk could help.


Frisk led people to the hidden room Dr.Cooper had open, key in hand, as Dr.Cooper looked in, they sighed in disappointment.

"They killed more then I thought they had." Dr.Cooper said, making Frisk turn to them, "Really?" Frisk questioned, which Dr.Cooper turned to them with a nod.

"Yeah, I kept count, there was at least at least fifty left, including the king, queen, and roayl guardsman, that Curse found, which is still really low considered to the whole population of SnowArk City, with over two hundred monsters, the most population of the underground." Dr.Cooper spoke, playing around with the key as they held it.

"T-thats a lot!" Frisk replied in wonder, which was cut off with "and yet they all were helpless against the human." Frisk turned to Curse, who looked forward in disappointment.

"I looked in the city, dust was everywhere, almost no survivors, and the only surviviors found fled here before the human arrived." Curse replied, making Frisk think back to when they were leaving the city, it seemed more empty then when Frisk traveled around before...

"Come on, there was nobody left, I made sure to check everywhere." Curse called out, getting the others attention.

"Let's go in, we can plan from there." Den spoke, leading the rest of them, Nara and Rain, which Rain was still seeming to be a bit out of it.

They all went in, and Dr.Cooper closed the soor behind them, holding the key as they locked it, before tossing the key to Curse.
"Don't lose it." Dr.Cooper spoke, which Curse replied with "Don't blame me if I do."

"I wont, but they will." Dr.Cooper replied, pointing to the monsters glaring at Curse's joke, making Curse sweatdrop eith a nervous smile.

"Ah..haha.. Make sure to arric eat my funeral." Curse muttered to the group, making them chuckle out a "sure."

All the monsters there were walking around, nervousness in the air, the silence in the air being thick, and the only lights being dim, illuminating lights on the roof.

"What's this place here for..?" Friks asked Dr.Cooper, which they replied while scanning the crowd and saying, "I made it incase this exact thing were to happen, and for other reasons, we experiment here with monsters, with the permission of the king, and the monsters family, of course, these experimenta also are of the land around us, and the magic monsters have.
We experiment on anything counted illegal without permission, in this area.
All monsters are to know what experiments go down here if a monster they let be experimented on was down here." Dr.Cooper explained, some monsters looked away in shame.

"Of course, none were successful, and all monsters here, and the dust of monsters, was returned." Dr.Cooper replied, moving off.

Frisk turned to the others, looking at them, seeing their expressions, she knew they were tired, and Frisk couldn't help it when she yawned.

"You tired?" Nara asked, looking at Frisk, which Frisk nodded at what Nara said, tiredness in her eyes.

"We're all tired." Den spoke, rounding up Rain and Curse, Curse seemed a bit uncomfortable, but, let them be pulled up into the hug as they were lead away.

Frisk followed with them with Nara hiding Frisk from the royal guard, king, and queens sight, as they followed the others to a place in the hidden lab, which Friks will call the HHL, to a secluded area to sleep.

As they all settled down, Frisk thought of one thing as she looked at the friends around her.

"Kinda like a family..." Frisk muttered silently as she fell alseep with her friends around her.

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