Frisks first death.

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Word count: 1377


Frisk lept to the side, barely able to avoid a attack landed at them, Rain watched behind with wide eyes, but, couldn't interfere.

A short explination is, Frisk was roght now in a fight with Den, and Den was striking fast, not letting Frisk leave the city.

She kept trying to reason with them, triying to show them mercy, but, they weren't showing care for mercy, only caring that Frisk cannot pass, or else the kings life would be in danger, believing Frisk would kill the king for their soul so she could leave.

Frisk kept at it though, dodging any attacks, and, eventually having to dodge swing from a... Is that a sword?!
Anyways, apparently Den has a sword that they left at home.

How fun. Frisk thought, ssrcasm flowing through the words in her thoughts.
"I'm not fighting!" Frisk tried, while avoiding the sharp fangs of the wolf monster, but, when Frisk dodged those, the sword nicked her shoulder, which hurt.

"Even if you don't fight me, you will fight the king, all humans do!" Den yelled, swinging their sword again, it almost got Frisk across the stomach, which Frisk barely dodged.

"Then, I promise! I wont fight the king!" Frisk yelled out, she kept her promises, no matter what, even if they seemed impossible.

That seemed to snap Den out of the moment, lowering their sword from Frisk to the ground.
"You... Promise..?" They questioned, almost uncertain.
"Yes! And I take them seriously." Frisk spoke, she tried to sound as honest as possible, stsring right into Dens eyes, keeping direct eye contact as she spoke.

"..." Den stayed silent, lowering their head, thinking about it for a bit before muttering, "if you hurt the king. I will hurt you for breaking your promise." As color filled them from head to two, revealing a blueish silver furred wolf with yellow eyes, their clothes stayed the same color.

"If I break my promise, then please do so." Frisk replied, going up to Den and hugging them, looking up with a smile on their face.
Frisk was around waist height of the wolf, being a normally small child.

After letting go of Den, Rain ran up, brushing past Frisk and leaping up and hugging Den.

"I-it's a miracle! You're back to normal!" Rain cried out while hugging Den, which Den smiled at, saying "and I wont be leaving for a while." And hugging back, which Frisk smiled at the scene.

"Hey, Den." A familiar voice said, getting them all to turn to Curse, the skeleton stood there with a pretty much fake smile, while guilt was in their eyes.

"Hey, Curse." Den spoke walking up to them after putting Rain down, bending down and pulling them into a hug.
"Don't think I didn't miss you either." Den spoke, which Curse hesitated before hugging Den back aswell.

They pulled apart when footsteps were sounding out, all turning to the area as a being walked forward, a glistening item in hand, as they appeared, it was obviously a knife, making Frisk go into panic mode.

A knife?! Where did that come from?! Why do they have it, are they-- Frisk forced themselves to cslm down, or, submerge the thoughts while paying attention to the scene, dust fell from the knife as the.. Human. Came into view.

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