A wolfs Fury *edited a bit*

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Word count: 1247


Frisk and Rain looked on at Den, Rain had a worried expression and a frown, while Frisks face stayed neutral, while internally panicking.

"Well, they're mad." Chara put in, a frown on his face, but, no worry, and you can't blame him for not worrying, Chara knew Frisk well enough to know when he should be worried for Frisk and when he shouldn't be worried.

"I'll ask again, why are you helping a human?!" Den yelled, running up to the two and picking  up Frisk by their shirt collar, holding them up to their face as they yelled.

"Are you threatening Rain?!" Den assumed, making Frisks eyes go wide as they yelled at her.
"N-no!" Frisk tried to defend, continuing by saying "we just ran into each other a while ago--"
"-so you're making Rain help you!" Den continued to assume, which Frisk realized Den wouldn't listen, she still tried, "I have no way to threaten Rain, no weapons, nothing!"

Den glared at Frisk, continuing to yell, "I don't believe you!"
Rain walked up to Den and Frisk, trying to help Frisk again.
"The human is telling the truth.." Rain spoke up, which Den dropped Frisk, eyes widened beofre sparkling, thinking something that cinfused the two.

"I see-- then, HUMAN! I challenge you to a test against wits!" Before muttering at Rain, wrapping an arm around their shoulder, their muttering was too loud, which had led to Frisk being able to hear.
"So, tricking the human, I get your plan!" They tried to mutter quietly, which Rain tried to deny, but was just cut off with "No need to try to act anymore! I understand! And shall help out!" Which Rain sighed in resign, giving up.

Rain shrugged Dens arm away from her shoulder off, which Den didn't think about, marchingnoff, Frisk hesitatint befire following behind, Rain going with them with an expression of tiredness.

As they arrived to the first puzzle, while Frisk tried to avoid traps that Rain had to reveal while being inconspicuous, that were revolving around traps such as tripwires to activate a arrow to be shot, and things like that.

At one point, Frisk stepped on a switch which Rain barely was able to get Frisk out of an avalanche that happened because of the switch.

Looking at the puzzle, it was very strange to say the least, it seemed to be the same as papyrus' in idea and build wise, but, when Frisk tried to complete it, a trap almost killed her, which was caused by Frisk's foot hitting a button on the side of the maze.
Also, the button behind the tree wasn't there.

But, that wasn't important, the second puzzle was worse then the first, having dogs chase you while you had to go up trees and pressingeach button on the tree in an order.
And, since Frisk didn't have determination anymore, she couldn't reset, if she died, she couldn't come back, maybe...

Unless there was another way. But that seemed highly unlikely.

But, Frisk still felt like there was a way... Even if she didn't realize it herself, well, not completely.

Anyways, soon, Frisk reached snowdin, which was completely colorless, and, it wasn't anything that Frisk was used to, instead, it looked like a huge city, minus cars, roads, traffic, just a huge city in snow.

"Frisk." Rain said, walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder, Chara watched before looking at the city infront of them.

"Welcome to SnowArk city." Which Frisk looked at in awe, amazed at it, all fslling snow that was stuck in place made it even more amazing.

And what was more confusing, was why the place was like this.
Frisk wanted answers, and went to the one monster in the underground right now who had them.

Curse, the skeleton, from what Rain had said before, had the answers to what was happening.

And they walked down the path, leaving Rain saying she'd catch up later on, and moved off through the city, looking around, which monsters had greeted Frisk as she passed by, able to give them color again, and had made things seem somewhat lively around here now, even if everyone here stuck out like a sore thumb to the colorless world, they'd do their best to bring cheer.

And then, she spotted Curse walking around and ran up to them.
"Curse!" Frisk called out, catching up with them as they moved around.

"You need something?" They asked, their eyes, or, sockets, held some-what confusion in them, it seemed like ever since they saw Frisk that was all they felt, Chara could tell that something was on their mind.

"Yeah, I'd like to ask you some things about what's happened here." Frisk spoke out? Which had suddenly made Curse cover Frisks mouth with their skeletal hand before she could continue.

"Kid, talking about things like that here could lead to execution if you're not careful, leading into sore topics of the past, we're not allowed to talk about things like that." Curse muttered, before moving back and remove their skeletal hand from Frisks mouth.

"I wont stop bothering you till you tell me." Frisk pushed on the topic, making them sigh in annoyance, and, don't ask how, of skeletons here can talk, they can sigh.

"I figured.. Just like the others before you.." Curse muttered, covering their face with their hand in a facepalm like manner.

"Ah... Fine, come with me, kid, I am on a break from work anyways." Curse spoke, and led Frisk through the city, which she followed, no reason not to.

Then, they ran into a normal house, two stories it seemed, and as they walked in, it looked exactly like the usual house of Sans and Papyrus, but, with another room at the top.

Curse sat on the couch, and Frisk followed, sitting a bit away from them to be less awkward.

"Right, what do you want to know kid? I'll answer what is in the legal right to here." Curse spoke, sitting in a relaxed posture, making Frisk uneasy by how they were acting so relaxed.

"Why is the underground so..." Frisk couldn't find the word for it, which Curse sighed at before continuing, "Violent?" Curse tried to help, which Frisk nodded her head at.

"It's under a curse." The skeleton spoke, making Frisk chuckle out in disbelief, looking to see Curse's serious expression, but still not believing it.
And wondering hoe Curse would know, it didn't seem like the other monsters here did.

"Why is the underground like this? I mean, really like this, I want answers." Frisk tried to ask, which Curse just laid back, "I normally wouldn't tell anyone this, but.. For some reason... I feel like I know you, even if we never met, I feel like I'm talking to an... Old friend." Curse spoke, sitting up again and sighing.

"Oh wait..." Curse muttered, looking at the time, "I'm late." They stood up, going to the door, leaving Frisk with a "Welp, I'm off to work." As an explination.

Frisk stood up and tried to follow, but, as she got out the place, Chara following behind, and looked around, Curse was already gone.

"Well, that was strange." Chara spoke in a sarcastic voice, rolling their eyes.
"Curse has to know what's going on here." Frisk reasoned to herself.

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