Three | her identity

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The place is very elegant and classy and I feel out of place. As a person who is known wherever I walk in school campus, I felt so small looking at the ceiling. The building itself is high-end. Must be why Roe likes it a lot here. There were a lot of participants who made it into this round and a lot of them are good looking. But they seem to look at me like me like I'm some beggar. I sighed and looked ahead. My parents were low-key musicians and I seem to have been lucky enough to unherit their genes.

I came last and everyone seem to be expecting what I'll do since I came here, well, not 'dressed' for audition? Not really sure though. But I am really just wearing my usual pair of jumper and a polo underneath, not that I really care. But everyone had a smug face when their gaze would land on me. People of this generation can be really, evil. And that includes me, I suppose.

"Yin Demi."

I stood up and positioned myself with my guitar onstage. This song will represent my youth. And everyone doesn't have to know that. I strummed the chords, producing a harmonious melody and started whistling. This is a rearrangement I made just now as I listened to the song repeatedly before I was called. I had everything calculated in my mind, how the song will turn out and how I'd play with the tune to make it sound original, like a real cover.

"So are you happy now?
Finally happy now are you?
'Cause I am still the same,
Feeling like I've lost everything

I looked up and closed my eyes, letting myself grasp the song's emotion. A good lesson I've always learned from my mother. Everything happened in a blur but it's too clear in my memory.

"Everything I know comes and goes
As it pleases, there's no goodbye
I don't wanna love like this
If I know love is a lie

I'm travelling through
All of our memories,
They're worn out but here they stay

One thing about singing with emotion is to let your audience feel the emotion. And that's one thing that would never fail to impress them with talent. Feeling.

"Laughing as we danced under the bright sun
Watching as the shadows fade to no one
We never plan to say goodbye to someone
But then they all leave
We'll meet under the bright sun
Forever young

Whistling the oh's of the lyrics added a lot of feeling to the song, making it sound more serene and hopeful than it was in the original and that's what I want to imply. It blends right perfectly if I rap the parts a bit more slowly and whisper the last sentence.

"If this is just a nightmare
I'll never wake up again"

I ended the song with ease. With a bow, I gave the audience a smile and a blank look to those with underestimating eyes. Even though I really don't give much care, I just can't stand their eyes. The administrator looked at me with a solid look and I feel a bit nervous for an unknown reason. Though I can conclude that it must be the aura of authority he gives off. But there's really something off with his stare.

"Just who exactly are you?"

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