Nine | realization

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"Doctor, is she really okay?"

"I believe so, but she seems to be suffering from...."

I shifted from where I laid, before opening my eyes. A pale gray room greeted me as soon as I fluttered my eyes open. "Demi, you're awake!" I looked at Roe- unni. Her eyes filled with worry as I eyed her facial expressions. "W-what's wrong?" She looked at the person behind her, he just shook his head. "Y-you were... I don't even know what happened. All I know is you were found..." she trailed off, eyes watering. "...y-you were found almost lifeless sitting on your bed. Talking to a person you call Jeongin."

"B-but... he's real."

"Demi, please. Don't make it hard on us."

I can't believe it, the person who I had really come to trust, is just a figment of my mind. An illusion I had made to make me feel better? I can't really believe it. "It all seemed so real." I sighed as tears started to cascade down my face. "You'll be fine, D. It'll be alright." I cried on her shoulder.

I was deceived by my own mind. How messed up is that?

three years later...

"Your highness, the princes wish to see you."

"On my way, Crizelda."

I walked through the halls of the castle. It seems quiet these days. No chatters of the maids that I used to enjoy listening to and none of the laughter of the young boys who were to clean the castle grounds. It just seems oddly quiet. As I emerged from the garden, there I saw familiar eight familiar pairs of eyes on me. And one of the were the eyes I never thought I'd ever see again.

"Demi, my friends wishes to see you."

I put myself in a formal curtsy and took a seat. "Tea, your highness?" I shook my head. "I want hot milk in a glass with ice." the servant nodded and left. But the boys' expressions were priceless. It's as if they find me weird or some sort. "What's the matter?" I asked, but my older cousin, Woojin just eyed me with wonder.

"Sometims, I think that you and Jeongin had already met."

I sighed and opened the book that I brought with me. Once the servants arrived, I immediately took a sip of my milk. I sighed with content as the warm— then cold liquid pass through my throat effoertlessly. Like it alway had been. But when I saw the prince Jeongin put on the headphones beside me, I immediately got curious.

"D-do you mind if I listen as well?"

He just shrugged and placed one ear on mine, making me tint my cheeks pink. As I took a sip of the milk, the recorder played.

    "Demi, I'm Jeongin. Yang Jeongin."

    "Yin, Demi."

    "It's a pretty name. But what does it mean?"

    "It means 'half'. Like what they put in greek terms, demi-god.——— wait, are you recording this?"


    "And why would you record it?"

    "I don't know. But I just have a hunch that I might really need it."

    "Oh, really now?"

    "Duh, yes?"

    "You need to sleep, so do I. I still have training tomorrow."

    As I heard the voices—— our voices, my breath hitched. All those moments that I had thought was only in my head... was real. Those unknown memories that I thought were only dreams were actually real. I feel tears well up on my eyelids as I tried to stop myself from crying. It all feels so surreal.

    I looked at him, hehad this happy smile along with him too. I looked at the others, they were all smiling. "H-how is this possible?" I asked, tears now cascaded slowly as I try to sink in everything. "You were diagnosed with alexythemia, D. Granna and Gradda tried to cure it to lessen your burden... and it was successful. Except that there were memories your brain had erased."

    "It was surprising that you remembered Jeongin, to be really honest, since you can't even remember me or the others. It was just Jeogin." As everything finally dawned on me, I laughed while tears were streaming from my eyes.

    This event feels so surreal. "I want to capture this moment." I said as I pressed record on my recorder as everyone talked. "Finally, I can get to see you more often." he whispered, tinting carmine all over my cheeks. I didn't bother to answer. He knows what I want to say.

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