Five | starting point

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I moved into a place nearby the company. I will be training soon and I want the place to be homey and comfortable. Packing my stuff again wasn't hard since I didn't bring much stuff with me when I moved out. I entered the studio-type building nearby. It was the most, accesible compared to the other ones, cheaper too. The rooms are a bit tiny, but there is enough ventilation.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, I was the one who called in a while ago for a room."

"Oh, you came to take a look?"

"I want to use the room."

"Then it's setlled. I will collect your rent every thirteenth, okay?"

The room is a clean and it's— I'm not sure if it's lucky, but the only room available was the attic so I took it immediately. The area is clean, has a small bed and a window. The place is enough for me to live and the room has it's own comfort room. All it needed was a bit if glam up to make this place, well, my territory.

And this is just the starting point. I still have more points to go.

By three in the afternoon, all I needed were the fairy lights so I took a short break. JYP Soul is nearby and since I want to try it out, I grabbed my keys and took my bike. When I reached my destination, I noticed that some of the customers are actually celebrities. The café see, to have it's own, well, I don't know what to call it. Connection, maybe? I just ordered my coffee for take out and sat on othe waiting area.

The place is really famous. I can tell with the huge number of foreigners who came to dine in. Too bad I won't have to stay here for long. I gave a sigh of relief when my order was ready and did yhe customs. But as I went out, I noticed a group of eight boys walking towards the shop. They seem familiar too. But one member caught my attention.

He has deep eyes— one that might resemble a fox, I think. But I'm too occupied on checking if I got the right order. But his eyes are something I cannot forget.

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