Four | history

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"How are you related to Go Yeoreum?"

Whispers emerged from most of the auditionees around the area. I never thought that this would be something that would concern them but why would he ask such a question? Did he know my mother? I gave a calm expression and answered politely— even though I want to scream.

"How do you know of my mother?"

Gasps were heard from most of the people and some were filled with awe. And that gives me something that I seem to find uncomfortable. People, humans, rather than those I am close with make me uncomfortable. But at the moment, I don't seem to have the final say so I have to pu my best foot forward. I have to, at all times. After all, I am not just some common citizen. I'm a citizen with defect and I must not let my iner demons show. I must be more than just professional. I have to be perfect in their eyes.

Because nowadays, it's what everyone is always looking for. Perfection.

"She was a really good actress. How's she? No one's heard of her after the pandemic."

That's because she's dead. I wanted to answer, to scream, to... to just be rude. But my actions must always be calculated, prim and proper like a real lady— as they raised me, like how my mother was also raised. I'm not sure if anyone knows about the life she's abandoned to get into the entertainment circle. But I know. And it's a scar that I have to bear without anyone knowing. There may be a lot backing me up secretly, but I don't want to rely on them and I've never asked for their help.

"She, she's passed away upon giving birth."

"Well, next, please."

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