Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Bullied! Reader (Smoothie-chan)

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A/N: Man Tanaka would fight every single living bully and you can't prove me otherwise.

Your alarm clock went off and woke you from your sweet night sleep. Checking the time, you sigh loudly. It was 7am, time to prepare your school stuff and endure another painful day.

Why painful you ask? It's not the endless amount of useless stuff you are supposed to master from every subject existing, well not the main reason that's it. It' not even just sitting and staring somewhere, doing literally nothing productive. It's the people around. Everyday is the same. You walk through the front entrance and hear laughter and feel sneaky looks on your back, all aimed on you. Noone talks to you in class, unless they need to copy your homework or make fun of your whole existence. Every day you just wake up and endure the pain of being made fun of, alone and hurt. You're the only child and don't see your parents much, since their work requires them to be there most of the time.

You sigh once again, shut that annoying sound and slowly sit on your bed, rubbing your sleepy (e/c) eyes. You slowly get up, brush your (h/l) (h/c) hair and put on your school uniform. You stare at yourself in the mirror for good 5 minutes, trying to get rid of every imperfection you can see, hoping for your classmates to let you live for one single day. After checking time once again, you realize you should really get going, unless you wanna run and give away your precious energy this early in the morning. You just grab a buttered toast and walk outside, preparing for the 15minute walk to school.

You actually really enjoy these morning walks. Warm breeze going through your hair, birds singing and communicating with each other, without you knowing what's the topic of their endless conversation. Trees dancing in the wind, making such a comforting sound and making you wanna join their gentle morning dance. On your way, you're humming a happy melody, enjoying the feeling of freedom.

After your calming walk, you can already see the well-known huge building of torture. You just go in through the main entrance as every day, already hearing one or two of your classmates laughing, most probably because of your school uniform, which looks exactly like theirs. But it's yours, so it's obviously very funny and uncool. Your happy feeling the morning walk left traces of fades away for good, as you sit in your classroom all alone, seeing your desk. It's dirty, full of not very complimenting notes. You sadly wipe it away with your handkerchief and put your books on, diving in the never ending world of fanfictions, making you feel at least a bit loved.

Your morning classes went by way too quicky, your lunch break was over too and you're currently enduring the last class of the day, the history class. Almost dozing off, you can hear the sound making you half happy and half sad. School is ending now, you're free to spend your life in somewhat interesting way. But also it just makes you remember how lonely you actually are.  You breathe out and throw your books into your backpack with a naive thought you might open them later and actually study for once. You stand up and walk away, not really being aware of your surroundings. You put your headphones in your ears and while searching for (fav song) you accidentally bump into someone. You look up from the ground you ended on and gulp, feeling hair on the back of your neck making themselves look more like bunch of hedgehogs.

Of course you couldn't be lucky enough to bump into really hot guy, fall in love and have a family, that would be too easy. More like it would be more like one of the fanfictions you read most of the time. But no, you had to bump into the meanest bitch in your class. You look up once again, seeing her lips curled in disgust, as if she just touched a spider covered in your today's school lunch. Her eyes sparkle dangerously and you once again curse your whole life, thinking about writing your will at the spot.

That girl gets furious. She starts shouting so many insulting words, you felt like dozing off in the half of her speech and just wait for that humiliating experience to end. Ahh, how naive you are. After her lecture, she just smirks. Something in her eyes and in the way she curved her ugly lips, filled with 5 different botoxes, makes you actually nervous. It all just happens way too fast, it makes completely unable to react. Your headphones are teared from your ears and drenched with some kind of weird liquid, probably her smoothie or something like that. But headphones aren't the only thing attacked. In a blink of an eye, you have the mentioned smoothie everywhere. Your hair are full of a green substance, your school uniform is completely soaked in it too. Of course, she has to add a few details, such as a water bottle shower. Then she just shows her back to you, visibly satisfied with her job.

You have no other option than go home. Humiliated, soaked, embarrassed and really cold. Light breeze might be really nice sometimes, but at the moment is doesn't really help. Your wet clothes make you feel like you're about to freeze at the spot. Walking home, thinking about everything that happened today, you couldn't stand it any longer. You started sobbing, cursing this whole school, your parents, yourself and even your stupid desk full of nasty comments. As you became a sobbing mess, the dirty handkerchief from this morning just flew from your pocket without you noticing.

"Hey, you dropped something!" a sudden loud shout was heard, making you jump good 10 centimeters above the ground. You turn around, facing a smiling guy, with his hair shaved, handing you your possession. His smile fades away as soon as he sees you. Your painful look, red watery eyes and completely drenched clothes. Soon, his eyes soften a bit, dark gaze replaced with a caring look. He takes off his sport jacket and puts it over your shoulders. "You must be freezing." is the only thing he says. You get really surprised, you haven't experienced someone being actual nice to you in such a long time. Then you smile at him, wiping your teary eyes. "I'm Tanaka Ryuunosuke. I feel like I've seen you somewhere. Aren't you a Karasuno's first year? I'm a second year there" he asks, not pointing out the state you're in. "I'm (l/n) (f/n), it's nice to meet you. Y-yes, I am" you answer shyly, but still rewarding him with a flashy smile afterwards.

"Do you... Want me to walk you home? I mean it's getting late and I don't want such a pretty person to freeze in the middle of their way there" he laughs loudly, waiting for your hopefully positive reaction. "A-alright. Thank you, Tanaka-senpai" you smile, making him almost explode without you knowing it. You two have a nice conversation, but of course it has to break at some point.

"So... How did you end up like this?" he asks worriedly and looks at you, waiting for your answer. When he doesn't get it, he stops and looks in your eyes. "You can tell me, it's alright" he smiles once again, making everything inside you snap. All of the feelings you had, eating you alive, all of the sadness. You once again start sobbing, explaining your whole situation to him. You get to your street way too soon for all of the experiences to be told. His eyes seem somehow different, as he's listening to all of the stuff you've been through. You stop in front of your house, kind of embarrassed because of the amount of information you've said. You open your mouth to apologize for being such a nuisance, but you feel something warm embrace you. He hugs you, stroking your hair. "I'll do something about it, I swear" he smiles and turns around, leaving you like a blushing mess in front of your house.

The next day

Your morning routine repeats once again, but this time something is new. You may be stupid, but you have hope this time. You really wanna trust Tanaka, believe that he'll get you out of this hell. You have no idea how would that be possible, if he wasn't just lying of anything. You're just too desperate for a change, you have no other choice but to trust. With a better mood than normally, you get on your way to school.

Once you walk through the front gate, you can hear your annoying classmates once again. "(Y/n)! Hey there! You look great today once again!" a loud voice welcomes you this time. You look around and see Tanaka, running towards you with a small guy flying behind him, as Tanaka drags him. "That's Nishinoya, my friend. We're walking you to your class" he smiles, gesturing towards his smaller company. After you properly greet both of them, you head to your class with a happy feeling. They ask you how did you sleep, if you had your breakfast and what's your first lesson. That's the first time in a while you feel loved by real people, not only the fictional ones.

"Ohhh let's see! Our Smoothie-chan isn't ashamed to show their ugly face today!" the bitch from yesterday laughs as you walk into the class. Normally, everyone around would start laughing and insulting you, but something stopped them today. Tanaka and Nishinoya stand there and smile silently, having a killing aura around them. "Their name is (l/n) (f/n), miss my lips are bigger than my boobs" Tanaka smiles even wider, making sure everyone around pissed their pants at least. Everyone looks somewhere else, not making a single comment. And there you go, smiling as a sunshine, feeling like these two guys might make your school life better than ever.

The amount of love I have towards Tanaka and Nishinoya~ Hope you liked this oneshot! The next one is going to be an Ushijima x Reader one, so please look forward to it!

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