Training Camp - Endings

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As you looked up and watched your friends, you didn't have to think anymore. The answer was pretty obvious...

Bokuto Ending
When you came to this training camp, your crush on Bokuto was just a slight one. You liked him, he seemed like a really nice person and you had fun with him. But throughout this week, your feelings grew much stronger than that. You wanted to be in his arms, you wanted to relax on his shoulder and you wanted him to whisper sweet words in your ear. You wanted all of these so much, yet you had no idea how to express that feeling. Kuroo was standing there too, and also you had no idea how Bokuto felt about you. Because you two practically got to know each other on this camp, so maybe he needed more time. Maybe he wouldn't ever like you back, even if you gave him years. All of those thoughts had to display on your face, because Bokuto's expression got even more serious. "Hey, (y/n) you good? Just tell-" he started, but didn't get the chance to finish. You jumped up and hugged him tightly, burying your head in his chest just like you've always wanted to. He squeezed you immediately, along with playing with your hair in an attempted to calm you down. "I...", you sighed quietly, enjoying his warm embrace, "I really like you, Bokuto. Like damn, I'm in love with you" you muttered, but you made sure it was loud enough for him to hear.

You felt his body stiffening in reaction to your sudden confession, but it didn't last long enough. He broke the hug and looked at you, his eyes literally sparkling. "You do? Like you really really like me? Like you think I'm the best and you wanna date me?" he asked in the speed of light and with a smile that seemed to tear his mouth apart, waiting for your response. "Exactly like that" you laughed at his childish attitude, the one you loved so much. He gently grasped your sides and spun you around, happiness literally exploding out of his eyes. Then he slowly put you back on the ground and kissed you quicky, enjoying this moment like crazy. You couldn't comprehend what was going on, your totally popular crush having his lips on your own and smiling like crazy about it. You noticed Kuroo slowly leaving, letting their friends enjoy each other. Oh, you were so sure he was going to tease you about it later, but at that moment you couldn't care less. "Be my significant other, (y/n)?" Bokuto asked straightforwardly, looking at you seriously. "I would love to, Koutarou" you giggled and hugged him once again, which he gladly accepted and hugged you back.

Kuroo Ending
You didn't have to think about it anymore, when you saw his slightly concerned expression, his knitted eyebrows and his full attention focused on you. At that moment you realized you were paying attention to someone else, ignoring what you already had right next to you the whole time. You felt like a clown and all you could do was laugh at yourself, for being so dense and not seeing that the person you needed was there earlier than you had anticipated. The happiness caused by a sudden realization made you more confident in yourself, and you stood up, looking at Kuroo and taking his hands to yours. His expression changed, now showing a great deal of surprise and definitely curiosity, since he wasn't really used to you being that close to him. "What's up, (y/n)?" he asked, his voice showing a slight concern, differing from his usually steady and confident voice you were so used to. Wanting to hear that voice you loved so much again as soon as possible, talking to you all day and all night, you were determined to get things done. "Tetsu! I realized something. I... I really like you. Like a lot, you have no idea" you giggled, hearing those kinda embarrassing words leaving your mouth.

When you realized you've actually done it, you blushed furiously and looked down immediately, waiting for his answer. You were totally worried about him not accepting your feelings, because let's be honest, many people had crush on that hot volleyball nerd, so you were about to start doubting yourself and slowly entred a panic mode. All of those doubts seemed to disappear in the second his hand grabbed your chin, made you look in his eyes and his lips gently touched yours in a sweet soft peck. It took you a second to realize what actually happened and what all of that meant. When you did realize all of that, you looked up to see his face once again, noticing a soft smile on his beautiful lips, smile that made him look so amazingly kind and totally sweet. "Then I guess I'm not the only one feeling that way, am I?" he uttered, changing his expression to a relaxed smile, ruffling his really messy hair to begin with, making them even more of an absolute chaos. "Tetsu" you cooed and hugged him tightly, him returning the hug in a second, pulling you closer to him. Bokuto smiled at his two friends finally getting together, and quietly turned around and walked away, letting them enjoy their lovely moment.

Kuroo and Bokuto Ending
There was no way you could choose one of them. You previously suspected yourself from not really being a monogamous person, but when you saw these guys in front of you, you didn't have to question yourself anymore. You wanted to embrace them, talk to them, lay next to them and just be with them, with both of them. Confessing feelings to someone itself was quite difficult, but having to do that to two people at once? With a nervous gulp you nervously started. "I... I was thinking that maybe I might not really be into monogamous relationships" you mumbled and looked away, waiting for them to start shaming you. "And? That's it?" you heard Kuroo laugh, that sound making your heart both melt and skip a beat. "Not exactly... And I think that I like both of you. I would love to try that kind of relationship with you two" you sighed, finally looking up, your cheeks completely red from shame.

The first one to break the awkward silence was Bokuto with his happy and loud laughter. "So I guess this makes it much easier, doesn't it?" he asked and winked at Kuroo, the latter returning that gesture. "Well that most certainly does. And you were so completely worried, I thought you were going to cry" Kuroo teased the other boy a bit and after that he focused his attention on you again. "You see, we two are... Kinda in a relationship? But we didn't want to stay in only two, since we both are polyamorous, and started liking you recently. Yep that's probably why I asked you to join us here. So well yea, that's quite the summary" he quickly explained, leaving you quite stunned. You expected many reactions: laughter, rejection, shaming, awkward silence... But you would've never thought it would end up like that. You just stood there, shocked and extremely happy. "So, are you going to join us?" Bokuto winked at you and extended his hand with a soft smile. "Yes" you simply answered, hugging both of those huge idiots you cared for so much.

So yeaaah I managed to pull those endings off! Also I just wanted to ask if you guys had some kind of feedback for me? Since I'm not a confident person, English isn't my native language and idk, just please if you have some kind of opinion, request, whatever? I started comparing myself to everyone on this platform and it's kinda driving me crazy, ngl-

Nevermind, stay home, stay safe and healthy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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