Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader (Trainings)

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A/N: I re-uploaded this one, since I think I kinda messed up uploading it like a week ago and I wanted to be sure everyone saw it ^^

You sadly tapped on the red button on your phone, giving up and ending the call that didn't even happen. Once again, you were unable to reach your boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi. With a loud sigh, you slipped your phone into your pocket and shook your head, trying to get rid of your worries.

You've been dating Wakatoshi for a long time, since you both were second years, and liked him since your first year. Relationship with him was kinda exhausting sometimes, because of his somewhat dense and straightforward nature, but you've never had serious problems and actually liked the way he is. Until now, that's the thing. After graduating from Shiratorizawa, you both went to different colleges and he begun to play for national team aswell, making it even harder for you two to actually see each other. At the beginning you had no real problems with it. You support his passion for volleyball and admire his skills. The way he spikes and makes the ball almost unstoppable, his straightforward and strong play, just like his personality. You smiled just thinking about him practicing and making himself even better and more reliable.

Your smile faded as soon as you realized, that his endless practice was the main reason why you two haven't talked to each other this whole week. It was Saturday evening, you finished your studies for today and really wished to see him, or at least talk to him. College was really tough lately and you really needed some kind of support, even if it meant his advices like "Just study and you'll be fine" or "Don't worry about it much". He's definitely not good with his words when it comes to comforting you, but you were sure listening to his deep mature voice would make you feel better the second you heard it. You sat on your bed and checked the time. You once again sighed, realizing it's Saturday, 21:47 (9:47pm) and you're sitting on your bed all alone, feeling sad, pressured and totally ignored. You just needed to make sure you two are actually dating and his love for volleyball didn't delete his love for you. You've always respected his training and his passionate attitude towards volleyball and never felt that way before. Of course some days were tougher than others, but he was at least at the same school, making sure you two eat your lunches together.

You just sat on your bed and thought, getting yourself deeper and deeper into a slump of feeling neglected, unimportant and unloved. You got somehow really desperate and took your phone yet once again, dialing his number one more time with a hope that this time he really will pick up his phone and at least talk to you for a bit. You put your phone to your ear and your heart almost jumped out of your chest, when you heard the voice you loved so much say "Good evening, (f/n)".

You've always been on the emotional side of the spectrum, but you had no idea just hearing him answer your call would make you cry. Maybe it was the exam you were having soon, or anxiety from a new place, you don't know yourself. "W-wakatoshi" you mumbled, your sobs more than clear to the other side. It's not like he's never seen you cry. But these times were some serious issues, such as a burned dog in a movie (Yes this is a Jojo reference, don't mind me), running out of icecream and other life threatening situations. The fact that you called him crying and he had no idea what's happening really made him upset. "(F/n), what's wrong?" he asked you, and in all honesty, his kinda worried tone made you somehow relieved, it seemed like he still cared for you. "I just wanted to hear you" you mumbled your response, not feeling brave enough to openly talk about what was bothering you, since it sounded somehow childish and unimportant. You heard a sigh on the other side and his next words made you feel really warm. "Do you want me to come over?" he asked you, more than willing to come over and comfort you even though it wasn't his strong side.

"Please" you smiled while saying that, knowing you're about to see your boyfriend again. After assuring you he'll be there really soon, he hanged up and you were left alone once again. You really thought hearing him at least pick the call up would make you feel better, well apparently you were really wrong. You couldn't stop sobs from coming out, tears from running down your warm cheeks and your body from trembling. Time that felt like the eternity has passed and you finally heard your bell to ring. You got up still like a sobbing mess and opened the door.

"Wakatoshi" you breathed out and almost jumped at him, hugging him tightly. You expected him to be surprised, awkward about it or maybe even jump away from your sudden outburst, but he did the exact opposite. He embraced you even tighter than you did, stroking your (h/l) (h/c) hair. That gesture showed you how stupid you were, since he most certainly cared about you a lot and felt extremely bad for seeing you in this state, not wanting you to feel that way.

After hugging him for some time, you stepped aside and looked at his tall muscular figure, standing in front of you with such a worried look in his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked you, looking back into your eyes and lifting his eyebrow. You didn't answer right away. If you said that it was nothing, he'd just think you had a bad day and wanted to cry it out, but you really needed to vent your worries away.

You looked away, breathed in and with a little embarrassment, you started voicing your worries. "You know... I just had so many things in school, I'm worried I might fail (least fav subject) and... And I'm kinda worried that you'll forget me and focus only on volleyball" you finished the summary and breathed out. You didn't like being so straightforward, but in order to get somewhere, you couldn't count on hints, you knew that very well. Sudden touch kinda startled you, when he took your hand in his and started drawing soothing circles on your palm.

"You know you're not dumb, I'm sure you can make it if you study, just don't overdo it. (Bold of you to assume I'm not lolol) And why would I forget about you?" he sounded definitely confused, not getting why would he do that, since you two had an amazing relationship. "We're... We're not seeing each other that much and you're keep practicing" you huffed, getting all pouty from the lack of attention you've been getting lately. "I'm sorry. I need to practice hard, but I promise I'll try to spend more time with you if it's what you need" he said with a firm voice. That was truly comforting, since you knew that this is a promise and he'll try his best to fullfil it. Even though you knew, you needed to make sure. "Pinky promise?" you asked and straightened your pinky, waiting for his response. He laughed softly at your childish action and embraced your pinky with his own one. "Pinky promise" he sealed your promise. You looked him in the eyes and smiled at him, making him smile at you softly, thinking about how cute you were.

"So now that you're heree~ what about cuddles?" you asked, jumping on him and making him fall on your bed behind him. He just laughed a little and wrapped his strong arms around your torso, making sure you're getting enough attention at least now. He might be a little dense sometimes, but he still loved you with all of his heart and you just realized that yet once again.

Hello! Im really sorry it took so much time, I have literally no motivation for existing- I really hope you enjoyed this story! Also I finally started writing the way I like, in past tense. Do you guys like it better or should I switch to the style I had before? Please let me know

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