Sugawara Koushi x Nurse! Reader (Rays of sunshine)

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You used to regret your decision regarding your future job. Being a nurse was really hard, exhausting and definitely underappreciated. Since you were little you loved helping people, but being directly a doctor always scared you a lot. The thought of being the only person standing between someone's life and death was too much of a responsibility, at least in your eyes.

Well all of those regrets faded away one day, the day he came. It felt just like yesterday, windy and quite cloudy day in the middle of fall. You were about to go home, but your boss asked you to stay a bit more and make a card for a new patient. You were against that idea, since you wanted to spend another lonely evening with you anime boyfriends, but you had no other option. You knocked on the new patient's door and opened. It definitely felt like you came into heaven, at least his angelic smile made you feel that way. Your heart fluttered thinking about nursing such a sweet guy. That day felt like something amazing, it made you feel like something will change soon.

And yes, it most definitely did. Every spare time you had you spent with him. He said his name was Sugawara Koushi, well he was just as sweet as sugar is, so the name really did make sense. You loved the way he was immature and mature at the same time. You never got tired of his dumb jokes or silly ideas, they always made you smile. You also loved the way he stayed positive, even with a serious heart disease. He has never shown any signs of weakness or sadness over his state, he just enjoyed his days with hope he'll be able to leave the hospital really soon.

You were on a night shift, going through tons of paperwork you had to finish, when someone rang. You checked who used the small button used for calling nurse and almost got a heart attack when you saw it was Sugawara. When you rushed in his room with a huge worry, you saw him sitting on his bed and smiling softly. "Do you have time, (y/n)-chan? I can't sleep" he giggled, patting the bed next to him. You wavered for a bit, thinking about all of those useless but needed papers in your office, but his sweet smile made you decide that an all-nighter the next day is a better option than leaving him now. You sat next to him, put your arms behind you and sighed, finally relaxing a bit after a hard day. "What do you like about nursing, (y/n)?" he suddenly asked, looking at you with a curious look. You took your sweet time to answer, secretly adoring his soft features in rays of moonlight that got through those paperthin curtains.

"Probably... Making people happier. You know, when I can just smile at them, make sure they feel better here. That even if their friends or families don't visit often, make sure they still feel loved and have someone to talk to. Just making people feel better while being stuck here" you answered, looking in his beautiful hazel orbs. "At least that's why I became one. I had no idea I'll talk to papers and coffee instead" you sighed, making him giggle a little. That cute noise made you smile, realizing how much you enjoyed the company of that silver-haired male. You two then talked about your dreams, funny memories and everything you could think of. That was the first time you felt something you knew you shouldn't. But you couldn't just stop it, the feeling just kept growing and getting stronger.

"Hey, (y/n)! I feel like going out, care to join me?" you heard a familiar voice behind your back. You turned your head to see Sugawara in a light shirt and shorts, standing in the entrance to your office. You checked the stack of annoying papers you had to do and nodded happily, feeling like a nice disturbance could make your shitty day much better. You got up from your seat and took useless layers of your clothes off, considering the weather outside. It was late summer, almost a year after Suga's arrival, and maybe the best year of your life. You didn't have that much time to spend with him, but every minute of that time you were together was amazing.

You got out, warm rays of sunshine landing on the uncovered parts of your skin. You smiled happily, feeling really light and untroubled all of the sudden. "You have to have such a great life, if everything you need to smile like that is sun" you heard a sneaky remark and gently punched the soul out of the author. "Funny as always, I see. Well, at least I actually can go out and be on the sun out of the allowed hours" you winked at him and watched him play hurt by holding his chest. You laughed at his reaction, as a feeling of happiness and peace started to overwhelm you. You didn't want to do it at first since you weren't that bold, but your body moved on it's own. You got to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head in the crook of his neck and breathing in his scent. Not a long time after, you felt a pair of strong arms on your back, hugging you and pulling you closer. Surprisingly, he said nothing sarcastic or silly, he just kept you close to him. You just stood there and felt the moment, felt his warm breath on your neck, his body against yours... You fell for that guy. That was the moment you realized you did, you fell for Sugawara Koushi and just couldn't get back.

After some time, you let go of him and smiled, uttering a quiet thanks. You just went and sat on a nearby bench, watching the clear skies above you. "Ohh, someone's in love with me" Koushi laughed and ploped himself next to you, wiggling his brows in process. Everything in you screamed yes, you wanted to confess so bad. You opened your mouth to confess and say how much you do, but only sarcastic "You wish" left your mouth. He just laughed it off and turned his gaze up, watching the skies with you. You spent your time rather quiet, just enjoying the calming warm atmosphere.

You were up the whole night, planning all of your words, your whole dialogue. You needed to tell him, you had to hold him like that once more, you just wanted him to know how you felt. When you got to work, your boss kept you extremely busy since high temperatures made many people visit, willingly or unwillingly. When you finally had some spare time, you breathed out and knocked at his door, awaiting his  response. After hearing an invitation, you got in all confident and ready to tell him everything. "Koushi I have to tell you someth-" you tried to start, but an enormous amount of people stopped your speech. There were at least 10 people, surrounding his bed. "Oh, (y/n)-chan! My mum has birthday so my whole family is here, could it wait a bit?" he smiled at you, his hand pointing to all of those people. "O-of course! I-I just wanted to tell you I won't be there for 4 days n-now! H-happy birthday!" you stuttered out and closed the door again with a feeling of disappointment spreading through your whole body. It was the truth, you had holidays and even if you didn't want to leave his side, you needed some rest. Well, I'll tell him when I get back you thought to yourself as you left the hospital building.

Timeskip after 4 days

You opened the door of your office, huge pile of paperwork greeting you. You threw your belongings on the chair and rushed to welcome Koushi, maybe trying the whole confession thing again. As you rushed to his bedroom, your coworker stopped you. "(Y/n) I don't think you should go there..." she started, looking quite anxious "W-why not?" you asked rather confused. She was such a shipper of you two, you had no idea why should she stop you from seeing him again. "Sugawara-san... He's not here anymore" she mumbled and looked away, avoiding your eyes. "He was discharged? That's amazing!" you cheered happily, glad his state got stabilized enough to send him home, imagining the dates you two could have outside. "T-that's not quite it" she mumbled, looking even more uncomfortable than before. "What- No, you don't mean-" you finally realized what she was trying to say with her words and her visibly uncomfortable figure. You ran to his room, almost kicked the door open just to find the bed empty. You had no idea how, but suddenly you was sitting on a ground and your eyes were full of tears. Your coworker stood next to you and after some time, she sat next to you. "That's... That's what he had in his belongings" she sighed out, handed you a piece of paper and left you there silently.

After pulling yourself together at least a bit, you looked at the paper and opened something that seemed like a letter.

Dear (y/n),
I'm really sorry for not being able to tell you this in your eyes, I guess I'm just too worried. When you said you wanted to tell me something, I got really excited, because I wanna tell you something too. I'm writing this while you're enjoying your holidays and I'm going to give you this when you get back. I miss you already, and it's been one day. Maybe that's because I like you so much. No wait, that's wrong. I love you. I love you so much it just can't be kept inside. Your beautiful smile, your whole presence makes my days better. When I get discharged, please go out with me. You're so important to me. I really hope you feel the same way. I really do wish you were in love with me, you weren't wrong. Please accept this like my clumsy confession

You didn't know since when, but your eyes were full of water once again. Your tears flew out, as you hugged the letter.
Why did you have to have so many patients that day? Why did his mum had to have birthday that day? Why did you have to have your holidays?

You wished he never asked you to tell him later.

I'm still not dead! I'm sorry, my motivation to live is non existent lololol. Hope this 1,7K (almost 1,8K) word story makes it up for you 💜 Im still taking requests! Even tho I have sum ideas stored, be ready!

Also, I'd like to promote myself a bit- I'm a begginer cosplayer, so if you like cosplays please check my Instagram/TT - luss.cos

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