Tsukishima Kei x Reader (Goats)

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It was a pretty sunny day. The end of this school year was nearing every day and your class organized a class trip. It wasn't anything special in your eyes, but spending a day out with your friends didn't sound like a bad idea at all. You weren't on the popular side of your class, but at the same time you definitely had good friends among this whole group and you didn't have an extremely bad relationship with anyone. Your trip was a simple one, yet really enjoyable. Your class had no exact location they wanted to get to, you just wanted to chill on a meadow near a small pond and with a view on many different kinds of animals, having their siesta and making themselves full, feasting on the nearby grass. Everyone was diving in warm rays of sun, having fun with water and sunbathing, trying to get at least a bit tanned.

Everyone except you, that's it. It's not like you didn't like being with everyone, or having battles in water. The problem were all of those shorts and soaked wet t-shirts clinging to bodies. Girls and boys around were happy, not caring about the way they looked, not caring about their imperfections being shown to everyone, just like it should be. It felt like you were the only person feeling really uncomfortable in the body you were trapped in. You looked around and saw all types of bodies. Really skinny girls, chubby ones, even really fit girls, having more muscles than your male classmates. Looking at all of the types of bodies guys had, you saw muscular build, skinny spaghetti classmates and classmates with fat on their stomachs too. Everyone looked so happy and perfect, even when they all were really different. You could appreciate all of their bodies, then why not your own?

You looked around, trying to find someone as uncomfortable as you were. The only person sitting in the shades of huge trees surrounding the pond was your classmate, Tsukishima Kei, having his eyes closed and his headphones on his head, probably hating everyone in 50 meter radius. You smiled a little at that sight, making you remember how hopeless your crush on this rude guy actually was. You had no idea what drove you to this teasy lamppost so much, but you couldn't get rid of the feelings you developed for him since the start of your first year attending Karasuno. You really wanted to get up and talk to him, but you weren't ready for him shooing you away or rejecting you on the spot.

After your little mind battle, you decided to take a closer look at the animals nearby, wanting to just pet them and get out of this pressing situation. You got up and begun to walk in the high grass and other things living on that meadow, surpassing your urge to run there and maybe start crying from all of these feelings dwelling inside you. You arrived at your destination, enjoying the presence of different beautiful creatures such as cows and goats. You got near their part of meadow and planned to pet them and maybe talk to them, since you were there all alone just with them. Or so you thought.

"Ohh, visiting relatives, are we?" a teasy voice suddenly appeared and made you gasp in shock. When you turned around to see what kind of creature disturbed your time for yourself, you saw someone really tall standing in front of you. When you tilted your head backwards, you met a hazel gaze under glasses and blond messy hair of Tsukishima Kei. "W-what?" you blurted out, still kinda shocked that someone actually saw you leave the centre of all attention. "Like maybe you were in need to say hi to aut caw and compare weights, or was it uncle goat, to compare hairy legs? I can't even tell" Tsukishima explained his snide remark and made his shit-eating smirk appear yet once again. You felt horrible from the start, but hearing your crush say such things made you feel awful. You bit your bottom lip to stop it from trembling. "You don't need to remind me" you managed to utter a quiet reply with your cracking voice, then you turned on your heel and headed to a near forest hoping to be finally alone.

Tsukishima just stood here, shocked. He just saw you suddenly get up and walk away and he felt a need to check what were you doing. To hide his generous motive, he just needed to drop an insulting comment, to make you feel less suspicious of his actions. But after your reaction, he actually felt a hint of guilt. He had no idea what made you say that and what made you feel that way in the first place, but now when he messed up he couldn't just turn around and go back. After standing there like an idiot for some time, he turned your way and started following you to the forest, hoping he could comfort you somehow, even though he wasn't the best person to provide such service, since you looked like you really needed comfort at that moment.

You got to the forest and found a good sitting place on the ground. Did your crush just call you all of that? Yes he did. Did the last piece of your confidence just crumble to a never ending pit? Also yes. A warm feeling on your cheeks made you realize you started crying, feeling like a huge piece of garbage and wishing for winter to come already, giving you the opportunity to cover yourself. A sound of creaking stick made you turn around in fear of being eaten by something or worse, someone. You half sighed in relief, when you spotted Tsukishima again, standing there and looking at you with a face you were unable to read. He slowly came to you and sat next to you, still being quiet and not saying a word.

You breathed in, ready to ask him what he wanted, but you were interrupted. "You're beautiful" he uttered, his cheeks visibly pink and his gaze piercing a tree, making you feel like there might appear a hole really soon. "W-why would you say that?" you hiccuped, not comprehending what was going on. "I said something I shouldn't... I guess. But you really do." he continued, noticable amount of embarrassment in his voice as he continued his speech. "I... I thought you'd know I was just teasing you. But I should understand the situation, when I saw you observing people in water and when I saw your outfit" he sighed, clearly uncomfortable. You just stared at him with your jaw dropped, you had no idea he had this part of him too. More to it, he actually observed you and your actions. The fact itself made your heart skip a beat, thinking about the fact he really thought about you, or at least acknowledged your presence. You giggled a bit and somehow managed to be very bold. You slowly turned to him and wrapped your arms around him, buried your head in the crook of his neck and enjoyed his presence. At first, you though he's going to shake you off, but after some really awkward time, you felt a pair of arms on your back and realized he hugged you backs very hesitantly, maybe from the previous guilt. This encouraged you to be even bolder and looked at him.

"I'm sorry I overreacted I... It just hurts to hear that from someone you like so damn much" you muttered and went straight back to the crook, not wanting to see his disgusted face. What you didn't expect was his breath tickling your neck, letting you know he just smiled. Yes, you confessed and he smiled. "Well I'm glad I'm not the only lovey dovey idiot then" he laughed, not rejecting you but accepting your feelings. You looked back at him, waiting for him to yell sike or something like that. "I guess I should call you mine from now on, huh (f/n)?" he said after leaning on, centimeter from your lips. Then he smiled and kissed you, showing you he's serious about you. You kissed back, smiling into the kiss. This trip was better than you thought it would be.

Hope you enjoyed the story hun 🌸
And I should stop making y/n cry in every fanfic but fuck it everyone loves comfort, right?

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