Bokuto Kotarou/Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader (Training Camp)

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A/n: Hello, sorry for not posting! I kinda wanted to explain myself a little, so please read this! Most of my stories are quite fluffy and comforting, since I usually write them to cope with my keep worsening mental health. As I quit therapy some time ago and I'm totally fucked up again, this kinda helps. Buuut if you have something you wanna read, please request and I'll love to write it for you! ^^
Your beautiful weekend slumber got interrupted by an annoying sound coming from your phone. Lazily, you opened your eyes and glanced at your ringing phone, trying to figure out what was disturbing your peaceful relax. When your eyes adjusted to the light of your screen, you saw your friend's name displayed and smiled softly.

"Kuroo Tetsurou, why are you awakening the demon? Do you wanna die a painful death?" you joked, your voice quite abnormal, affected by the nap you had to end so suddenly. You heard your friend's giggle from the other side of the phone, as he answered with the same playful tone: "I would rather die than talk to you, trust me". As much as you wanted to play hurt and sad from his remark, years of his teasing betrayed you and you started laughing quietly, enjoying talking to him again.

Kuroo was your really good friend. You got to know each other through Kenma, and your somehow similar but at the same time very different personalities got you two closer than you would've expected. You knew him only for 2 years, but it felt like you've known him since birth. You were really glad to have someone like him, the protective friend that would kill or at least call everyone out for things he does on daily basis.

"Sooo, awakened demon (y/n), I need you to help me out a bit. You see, we need someone to save us from our desperate situation. One of Fukuroudani's managers got sick or something and we really need a good soul that would help us. You know, with cooking, filling water bottles and stuff. Pretty please?" Kuroo spitted out fast, ending his monologue trying to sound nice and trustworthy, resulting in him sounding like a 60 year old creep trying to lure children in his truck. "I had no idea you got on the rap scene, Tetsu! Oh and if you're looking for a good soul, you shouldn't have started your sentence calling me an 'awakaned demon'" you laughed out loud, reacting to his request. When you heard a hopeless whine coming through your phone, you sighed, jerked your head and looked at yourself in a mirror on your desk. You though about it a little, since your precious relax full of watching anime and being totally unproductive was at stake.

"You better don't ever forget that huge sacrifice I'm making now" you said with a giggle escaping your lips, as you laid down on your bed once again. "Where and when?" you asked, hoping he won't say some kind of bullshit, for example 'well I'm waiting in front of your door so you better hurry up'. "Well, I think tomorrow at 8am would be great. Do you think you can say goodbye to your beloved bed that early in the morning?" After his sneaky remark, you two just had to have a sass battle, both trying to completely roast and destroy the other one. Your rebuttal somehow resulted in 30 minutes of babbling, serious conversations and laughter. You excused yourself when your mum called you for a dinner and he thanked you once again, promising to talk to you more tomorrow. If you had to be honest, you were rather excited about it. Watching all of those guys play, talk to them and hopefully meet more really nice people sounded like quite an interesting way to spend your free time.

Time skip

You were about to seriously regret your decision, or maybe more, tell Kuroo to fuck off and go sleep again. Waking up at 6am wasn't really your thing, since you were more of a night owl. Normally, you'd probably sleep till 7:30am and then throw random things on and inside you, running on the last minute as usual. But today you really wanted to look at least decent, since one of the guys attending the training camp you were heading to was your crush. It was still quite a new crush, that type you haven't talked to that much and don't know him that well, but you could proudly say you had some conversations with him and his personality made you feel happy and somehow safe. You definitely didn't want to look like, for example your holiday homework, so basically totally gross. Just thinking about the pile of difficult homework made you rethink your attitude and you welcomed the training camp as a new, nice and creative way to procrastinate.

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