Kuroo Tetsurou x Depressed! Reader (Checking up)

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TW: Depression, mentioning of mental illnesses
A/N: This is NOT supposed to make mental issues look romantic. This serves like a comfort for people struggling and in need of some kind of comfort

You laid in your bed, observing your ceiling. You just woke up from a two hour nap you took with hope you would start feeling at least something when you wake up later. You sighed when you realized that your wish didn't work yet once again and you were still feeling like an empty shell more than a human being. You had no idea when your mental health issues started, but the next thing you knew was that never ending exhausting pressure on your chest, and the endless void instead of organs. Your parents had no idea about your mental state, they tended to go to work early in the morning and usually got home rather late, thinking you were sound asleep upstairs. The only person knowing how serious your mental state got was your boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsurou. You had no idea why he dated you in the first place, since you felt like you were just a boring nothing, waiting for these joyless exhausting days to end. You couldn't see the "amazing person" he talked about or any of those sweet words he said so many times.

And of course, Kuroo tried his best to make you feel at least a bit better and checked on you on random times. He even got himself a key, not wanting to annoy you with ringing, having you to open the doors every time he decided to drop by and see how his significant other was doing. Today was another day like that, you realized, as you heard the front doors shut and heard footsteps on the stairs leading to the second floor, where your room was located. The doors leading to your room opened a bit and your boyfriend peeked inside. When he saw you were awake, he smiled. "Hey sweetheart, how are you doing?" he asked, coming inside your room and looking around. "I think you can see" you mumbled, pointing on your greasy messy hair, floor under a huge mass of various things and almost no light, since you didn't bother to open curtains. Kuroo sighed and sat next to you, kissing your forehead. "Did you have some food today?" he asked, stroking your cheeks gently. "Not really, I feel like I'd throw it up anyways" you answered honestly, feeling your stomach ache badly yet once again. "Did you shower today?" he continued his checking on your state further "No" you mumbled, ruffling your hair. "And yesterday?" "No" "And the day before?" he continued his interrogation, making you feel little bit uncomfortable and quite anxious. You felt like if you answered, he'd just walk away grossed out, and since Kuroo was the only person he stayed by your side now, this scenario pained you a lot. You just focused your (e/y) eyes somewhere else, trying not to look in his beautiful brown eyes.

You heard him breathe out a little bit. "Alright, seems like I have some work here!" he slapped his thighs, got up from your bed and looked around again. First, he headed to your window, opened the curtains, continued with your window and let a slight breeze inside, bringing some more oxygen inside. "Come, let's have a shower (f/n). I can join you if you want to" he threw his iconic smirk as he made that suggestion. You opened your mouth to protest, but he was faster. "I won't do anything weird to you, I promise! I mean unless you want me to" he wiggled his brows, but his eyes had no traces of mischief, just pure care. Your mouth kinda tugged upwards, as you giggled and threw your pillow at him, nodding afterwards, making him smile. You got from your bed and headed to take clean clothes, since the ones you were currently wearing weren't in a state for further use. After finding a long baggy (f/c) shirt and shorts, you looked at your boyfriend, more like your current maid, since he started cleaning your room, throwing garbage into your trash can and putting your dirty clothes to a basket. "We can go" you said after admiring how amazing your boyfriend was for a bit. He looked up and nodded, heading to your bathroom outside of the room.

Once you two got in, he closed the door and started undressing himself. You did the same thing, looking at yourself in a big mirror and pouting a bit. You weren't that nervous about undressing in front of him anymore, you got used to it after 2 years you two were together, you just felt kinda bad about the way your body looked in general. Kuroo saw it and immediately hugged you from behind. "You look beautiful, baby" he murmured in your ear and kissed your cheek. After that he got to the shower and started setting water, trying to find the best temperature. You joined him right after, standing there and enjoying the warm water falling on your body that needed the shower so much. Kuroo made your hair wet, took your shampoo and put some of it on his hands. "Special showering service for (f/n)" he laughed and digged his fingers in your hair, massaging your head while he was at it. You closed your eyes and enjoyed his fingers drawing circles in your hair. When he seemed satisfied, he took your shower gel and squeezed some on his palms. Then he started spreading it on your arms, chest, waist, belly and legs, massaging them a bit in the process. Just like he promised, he restrained from all weird touches or gestures, the only purpose was to make you clean and relaxed. When he was finished, he slapped your ass playfully. "Here you go, all bubbly" he laughed and spread some shower gel on himself too. You leaned backwards in a need of some physical contact, and soon your back met his well-build chest. You felt wind on your shoulder when he smiled and wrapped his arms around your torso, hugging you from behind. "And here I thought you had no such motives, (f/n)" he laughed, making you hit him playfully. After cuddling like this for a bit, he washed the substances from both of you and took your towel, drying you. After he was done, he dried himself aswell, while you dressed in your clean clothes, smelling the sweet scent.

After both of you finished your little shower, you really felt a bit better. Kuroo got in your room again, continuing the cleaning and with a bit more energy you decided to help him, both of you making the room look more like an actual room and less like a dump. While cleaning, you talked to each other about your days, school, volleyball, how the new TV add was super annoying and other very important stuff. You two finished pretty soon, standing in a clean room full of light and nice surroundings. "Now two last things I need to do" he smiled at you and extended his hand, waiting for you to grab it. You did so and he lead you downstairs, stopping in your kitchen. "Can't let you loose weight, I would miss that ass of yours" he threw his smirk again, only to get hit by you, as you giggled and blushed a little. He opened your fridge, looking for something delicious he could feed his significant other. After observing ingredients, he took out eggs and bacon, going for the easy way. In that time you took a pan and put it on the stove for him. He ruffled your hair and started making you food, reminding you how much of a husband material he actually was. That was before he accidentally burned it and maybe threw something out of the pan, when he scrambled the eggs way too much, but who cares about such details. It made you laugh a bit, leaving a satisfied smile on Kuroo's lips.

When he finished messing your kitchen, you both sat down and enjoyed your meal, half feeding each other and half competing who's going to eat it faster. Your stomach wasn't too happy about food, but at the same time you knew you really needed to eat something. After finishing your plates, you threw them in a sink with a notorious I'll do the dishes later. "Well and now the last thing to do" Kuroo purred when he picked you up bridal style and took you upstairs again, throwing you on your bed. "And that is what?" you asked, slightly concerned. "Cuddling the hell out of you, kitten" he answered and laid next to you, throwing a blanket over both of you and wrapping his strong arms around you. You nuzzled your neck in the crook of his neck and hugged him back, enjoying his presence. "Thank you... For everything. I mean it" you mumbled in his neck, breathing in his scent you loved so much. "There's no need to. I just wanted to take care of you, I actually had fun" he huffed in your hair he was smelling the whole time. "Y-you don't mind having to do all of this? You really don't mind me being like this?" you looked in his eyes with your (e/c) ones. "Baby... No of course I don't. I love you, you know? I know damn well you're struggling so much. But who would I be if I couldn't back my lovely significant other up? I love everything about you. Even the fact that I have to take care you you. Thinking about it, calling you baby is more accurate than I thought" he smirked, wiggling his brows. "Idiot" you huffed and pouted, trying to look mad. Unfortunately you failed, because you laughed and looked at him once again. "I love you too... So much" you breathed out and kissed his lips softly. You were struggling, that's a fact. But you had your amazing boyfriend always having your back.

Hello! I hoped you liked this story. Hope I didn't make Kuroo too ooc ;-; Please let me know what you think about this in comments, I need some kind of feedback. Also feel free to request stories!
Hope y'all are eating well and staying safe. 💜

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