The Talk of the Travel

363 17 13

Italic = Her speaking MODERN English. 

Italic = Nani  = This means she's speaking Japanese

If there is an italic, that means she is speaking another language and no one would be able to understand her.


Elena was quiet the entire time as they travelled, but her actions were interesting.

She would reach into her breast a pull out a small thing(phone) and pull out another thing that was stringy(earphones) and do something with the small, thin, box and plug in the stringy white thing into the box and put the bulbs(earbuds) in her ears. 

It was weird.

Sometimes she would pull out this cup thing with a dome over it(creamy Chocolate chill! A.K.A Timmies!) and pull out a red cylinder thing and stab into the cup-liquid-thing and seems to suck on the cylinder(that's not supposed to be sexual).


"May I be at your side when the contract is made?", asked Elena.

Canute was quiet for a minute, his eyes widening, not knowing how to respond.

"Canute. You're in the history books. We don't know much about you at all. I've been using my phone-", Elena pulls her phone out of her breast and gestures it, "and putting all that I've learned on here. I ask that you allow me. Please."

Canute played with his hair, avoiding his eyes from Elena. Elena who is also into submissive men is now liking this a lot.

Elena is such a fucking pervert... SIGH.

Anyways. Canute just nodded his head and Elena, Askeladd and Ragnar went into the tent to meet Gratianus.

Gratianus gave a judgemental look but stayed quiet.


When the contract was finished and read through by Gratianus, Elena finished her typing on her phone and stuffed it back to her breasts.

Wow. Freya was smart with making her breast an interdimensional pocket. Man, that's what all women want since our clothes don't have deep enough pockets.

Man. Lucky woman.

"Who are you, woman?", asked Gratianus. His eyes boring into hers. Elena smiled.

"Well, that depends on what you're asking. If you're asking for my name or 'who am I really'?", answered Elena. 

"What do you mean by that?", inquired Gratianus. 

"Oh- well. Are you asking for my name, what I do for work and status- or are you asking what person am I?" queried Elena, putting her hand on her waist, sassily.

"Mm... Both.", answered Gratianus.

"Oof. Okay- so. I'm Elena, I work as a self-employed artist, and I'm currently single. As what person I am? Well, truthfully, I like to work with facts and be realistic in a situation. Though, people do say my words are like poison... I am known for being a tad bit too honest, I like to say what's on my mind or either keep my mouth shut. I only lie when I have a goal in mind and I need to lie to get the goal. I'm basically what some people call, a Slytherin or a fox.", replied Elena.

"...I have 5 questions for you, Elena."

"Hehehe... ask away!"

" What do you mean by 'self-employed artist'?", inquired Gratianus, leaning in.

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