nine: please don't leave me alone again yunhee.

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"why is grade getting low?!" she yelled at me then throw my report card on my face.

"after all I've done your going to repay me with low grades?" she said, I scoffed then roll my eyes.

"you've done nothing but drink, hook up with random people, and going home late drunk! all you do is scold me every time I step in this house, you only care about my grade instead of taking care of me. i dont even know you anymore, your not my mother anymore and I think you will never be my mother anymore. your a horrible mo-" she slap me hard on the face that makes me fall on the floor.

I felt tears building in my eyes, I look at her and she looked like she's going to kill me any second soon.

I stood up get the knife the put it on her grip, putting the knife on my chest.

"I know you want to kill me, and this is what I'm waiting for so I just helped you a little and bought the knife on my chest. go ahead and stab me." I scream at her with tears rolling down my cheeks.

she look at me with guilt and tears in her eyes. "are you that happy? you didn't even see me die yet you're already shedding tears of joy?" I snorted and push the knife into my chest feeling a slight pain on my chest.

"yunhee-ah...." she called my name, I was speechless when she called my name. she called my name for the first time in those past years.

I scoffed. "that will be the last time to call me that!" I said and push the knife deeper and deeper until someone barge in and throw the knife across the room.

I look up to see yeonjun with tears on his eyes, "yeon-" before I can finish my words I collapsed.

I just dropped yunhee's in her house but she forgot her phone with me, so I decided to go to her house. I twisted the door knob and get in only to see a knife on yunhee's chest.

"yunhee-ah!! wake up!" yeonjun cried.

"mrs. park call 911!" yeonjun told yunhee's mother and her mother immediately dial the number.

"yunhee don't leave me, you're the only person that I have." yeonjun sobbed.

please don't leave me alone again yunhee...

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