Chapter Twenty-One.

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Marvin POV💰

I got Yani some green skittles, sour patches, gummy bears, juju beans and popcorn. Her lil ass lucky I fuck with her the way I do. I don't do this shit for just anybody. Birthday or not.

I opened my door to see Yani in the backseat.

I'm so happy I put her gifts in the trunk after we came from dinner. Smh

"Yani I got all your favorites snacks forreal the only thing they ain't have was your peanut chews. I don't know why them bitches so hard to find on bro."

"Get in the back." She demanded giving me that look.

Shorrdy is really wilinnn

"Ight." I said not waisting no time.

"Why you get in the back?" I said slouching down watching the movie.

"It wasn't enough space in the front." She leaned on me cuddling me.

Yeah , she lit

I Laughed out loud by accident.

"What's funny?" She said running her fingers against the tattoos in my arm.

"Nun. I thought you was hungry." I said looking down at her on my chest.

A nigga could get use to this

"I'll eat it later." She said leaning her head up kissing me on my lips.

I was caught off guard at first by her touch, but she was so addictive and soft. She was kissing all over a nigga. It didn't take me too long to retaliate. I deepened the kiss. Caressing on her soft skin till I couldn't take it no more. I felt down her waist gripping her ass positioning her on top of me. "Baby." She moaned. Hearing her call be "baby" got me even more aroused then before. I know it's the liquor because her ass wouldn't even fix her mouth to call me that sober. I wasn't complaining at all it made me want her in the worst way right now. She got to licking and sucking on my neck then biting softly on my ear. "Shit Yani." I groaned, smacking her ass hard "Oh my god." She moaned on my neck sending chills down my spine. Fuck what is she doing to me! I grabbed her by her neck roughly but softly bringing her face back to mine. She smiled biting her bottom lip holding my arm that was chocking her and started grinding against my shaft. "Fuckkk." I groaned. She was breathing hard and everything. The site of her just made me want her even more seeing how much she yearned for me. This shit was getting outta hand and she was drunk. As much as I wanted to I couldn't lead myself to go any farther with her in this state. I brung her forehead to mine as we both caught our breaths.

"We should go." I said with my eyes closed and our foreheads still pressed against one another.

She nodded her head against mine and I patted her thighs. She climbed off of my lap fixing herself. The atmosphere was definitely awkward now. I could see the look of disappointment on her face. I leaned over kissing her cheek causing her to blush, we got out moving to the front seats.

The car ride was silent riding back to her apartment. Honestly, I didn't know what to say or what she was thinking in her head so I just stayed quiet.

After arriving in front of her apartment it was now pass 12:00 she wouldn't look at me or anything so I place my hand under her chin so she could look at me.

"Happy birthday beautiful." I said licking my lips putting her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you Marvin." She said staring at my lips.

She sound so good saying me name, she is really irresistible right now.

"Come upstairs .. I-I mean to give me my gifts." She whispered.

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