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Ariyan Nicki Maraj 💋

(Listen to this song throughout the whole chapter (put it on repeat lol). It just sets the mood. Old school music will always be a vibe!)

 Old school music will always be a vibe!)

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"Kyle...please don't leave're all i have left" Ariyan's voice cracked.

"Ari, you know how much i love you I would never leave you; just to leave you... I love you...I love you so much Ariyan.." Kyles voice whispered.

"You're my first everything you're my HEART. I will never love anyone the way I love you Kyle...their will never be another you baby." Ariyan reached her hand over the hospital bed to touch his hand bringing it to her mouth pecking his rose tatted hands.

"I love you. I know i don't say it enough but i do. We don't agree on a lot of stuff but one thing we do, is that we couldn't live without each other. We've had each others backs for years now and i wouldn't have survived without you there. You know things about me no one else does, you know me better than i probably do. I trust you the way i trust no one else an no time or distance apart could ruin the bond we have. I love the way we go right back to the way we are no matter how long we've been apart and how easy it is to feel at home and safe with you by my side. So many jokes, tears, memories and laughs, fights and dreams, we've come a long way and I'm glad i got to share it with my favorite person." he broke down and she got in the hospital bed with him and they cried in each others arms.

Kyle was Ariyan's everything. The love she had for him ran deep. He entered her life when she didn't expect it at all, when everything wasn't going so well and he made her happy. She could never thank him enough. She loved him.

They met her freshman year of high school. she didn't have any friends growing up. Her mother could never stay put in one place after they left Jamaica when she was eight so they were always on the go. Oblivious to how that would affect her daughter. It played a huge role on Ariyan. She would always stay to herself, whenever kids tried talking to her she would always brush them off or give them the cold shoulder because she knew it would never last. Her and her mother had a good relationship for the most part, after all...she was the only one she had growing up.

She was the only person she needed

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She was the only person she needed. Even though she seen what her mother would go through with her father, her mother always instilled in her to never let a man take advantage of her, to always have her own and most importantly to love yourself before anything.

Her mother couldn't seem to take her own advise she believed it was too late for her but she always wanted the best for Ariyan. Ariyan was her everything. But she wanted nothing in this world more than her husband, she believed she could change him.

Seeing how much power he had over her, he always did what he wanted and came back out of the blue moon whenever he wanted because he knew she would always be there. He hated himself for it but he couldn't stop it' it was a cycle. His father did it to his mother and his father's father did it to his mother. He loved Ariyan but he didn't know how to be a father.

Ariyan resented him for the way he abandoned them. He couldn't take care of his own responsibilities instead of taking care of her he'd rather live lavishly. She never wanted to be a mother because of her fathers wrong doing. She believed if you didn't even have the time to be a father it was a crime to conceive an innocent baby.

She blamed him for her mothers actions. When Ariyan turned fourteen, now in high school...her mother decided to stay put in New york. Thinking in a couple months they were going to move away but Ariyan was wrong. She started to notice a change in her mothers behavior. Her mother picked up on a job where she barely seen her. Her mother would come home with a different men every weekend before she got to meet them they'd break up before the week ended.

How could she love a man if there's no role model? Striving to save her soul she would use her time messing around in her clothes sewing different fabrics together making her own. Designing was her get away. That's when Kyle came into her life. He was a popular Junior that stayed to himself he hated commotion. He seen a beautiful girl who caught his attention in the library one day and he was head over heels since. She was cold to him at first but he would never leave her alone. After a month of annoying her everyday she finally gave into him and made a friend.

They laughed at the randomest things, He knew her ugliest side. Even though they disagreed sometimes he was always there to make sure she was okay. She'll always be thankful for him.

Her mother passed away her sophomore year of high school. She'd always look at her mothers lonely smiles. It was hard for her to see her mother cry. She only loved him but had to mess with those other guys. She died from a broken heart.

Kyle was there with her through everything since then. He was her family. His family was her family. His mother took her in to live with her after her mother passed. Ariyan finally let him in. He was the only person she let in. The only person she trusted. He was her first everything. He took his time with her, he was patient, he cared for her, He was her protector. They took good care of each other. His actions spoke louder than his words. He was her person.

The summer of her Senior year is when she find out Kyle was sick with liver disease he was then hospitalized as it became more severe. She felt like she wanted to die right there. He was her heart. She was losing someone close to her again. She stayed by his side the whole time. He loved her dearly. She was the female version of him. It was bitter sweet for them both. He passed away a few days after her graduation.

After that she hasn't been the same, poetry is now her knew best friend.

"Kyle. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are. You will always be in my heart."


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