Chapter 1-Separation

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          "We need to find a way off this island Zee." Mew said frantically pacing in circles. "We're all over the news and people are looking for us. Saint almost got caught yesterday, it's only a matter of time." Mew gestured to Saint that was holding on to Zee's arm.

          Zee had his eyes closed and he was nodding his head.

         "I know Mew but how are we supposed to get away? The islands on lockdown." Zee said blankly and opened his eyes. He was physically and mentally exhausted. He hasn't slept at all for 3 days. Even if he tried it was only about 30 minutes.

         "Hey... Zee you really need sleep." Poppy said concerned at the figure of Zee. His hair was ruffled there were dark circles under his eyes and his skin was pale.

      "Zee Poppy's right your making all of us worry." Jimmy added to Poppy's words.

      "I've been through worse I can handle it." Zee dismissed their worries. The truth is he was dying inside. From Tommy who is somewhere else with a bunch of his dads doctors. And the thought that death may be right around the corner for him is just too much.

"Zee you really need rest." Saint said lightly and squeezed Zee's arm gently. "Please for my sake."

Zee let out a long sigh. He leaned back into Saint and closed his eyes for a moment. Savoring the feeling of Saint's arms around him. The only thing keeping him going is this man right here. Zee doesn't even know if he would be able to live if Saint wasn't with him this moment. But the most unexpected thing happened next that would change things forever.

Zee's eyes snapped open when he heard hurried footsteps. Then just and he straightened up the door was knocked down. People in protective armor ran in.

"Everyone Scatter!" Poppy said and they ran to the rooms behind them. Through this mess Zee and Saint got separated. Saint now with Jimmy and Zee with Mew and Mark.

~With Saint and Jimmy~

Jimmy slammed the door shut and pressed his back to it. Saint's heart was racing and his eyes darted around the room for a way to escape. His eyes landed on a window and he ran over to see if it was open. Yes!

Saint's eyes flashed to Jimmy when he heard bangs. The door wouldn't hold much longer.

"Jimmy!" Saint shouted and he immediately realized what Saint was thinking. Leaving the door and running over they looked out the window. There were iron bars and they might just be able to climb down them. "You go first."

Jimmy nodded his head and climbed out the window. Making sure he was stable on the bars he started to climb down.

Saint looked over and saw that the door was almost knocked down.

"It's good Saint hurry!" Jimmy yelled from the ground. Quickly Saint climbed out the window and just as he closed the window the door was knocked down. Saint quickly climbed down the bars but on his way he lost his footing and yelped in surprise. He could hear Jimmy stop breathing down below. Saint was holding on by one hand now his heart beating faster than ever.

A grunt escaping Saint's lips as he used all his strength to pull himself back up. He hear Jimmy release his breath when Saint was back on his feet. Making his way down the rest of the bars Saint jumped off the bars and landed on the ground.

"We have to go." Jimmy said quickly.

"But what about Zee?" Saint asked realization that he's not with them.

"We'll find the others soon but right now we need to get out of here before something worse happens." Jimmy said and grabbed Saint by the wrist.

~With Joss, Poppy, and Gulf~

       Closing the door behind them Gulf and Joss holding the door shut.
        "Uhhh Poppy some of that magic of yours would be really helpful right about now." Joss said fear in his eyes.

         "I'm trying!" Poppy said annoyed. The door wouldn't hold much longer.

         "Poppy!" Gulf shouted frantically,
          "Give me a second!" Poppy snapped then concentrated on the spell he needed to do. Just as the door got knocked down the spell took action. Teleported somewhere but anywhere will be better than here.

                  ~With Zee, Mew, and Mark~

        The majority of the people followed Mew, Mark and Zee. Slamming the door they opened up the door to the stairwell. Just as Mark ran into the stairwell the door broke down. Mew looked at the people running in wide eyed. Quickly he pushed Zee inside the stairwell and closed the door.

        "What- MEW!" Zee yelled trying to open the door again.

         Mew turned around and put his hands up multiple guns pointed at him.

        "Don't shoot." The one who Mew thinks is the commander said. But what no one realized was that someone far away said two words.

         "Kill Him."

          Zee kept on banging on the door when he heard gunshots. And just and he looked up eyes widened. Bullets went through the wall. Zee looked in horror frozen in place.

           "Zee? Zee! We have to go!" Mark said quickly and dragged Zee down the stairs.

          "No... why.... why did this have to happen?"

Wow first chapter and we already have a death😭 I'm so emotional right now haha🥺🥺 I know I'm cruel aren't I?
Stay Safe💕💕🥺

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