Chapter 9-The Final Fight

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They were silent for a long time. Saint held Zee in his arms tightly. Afraid that if he let go Zee would vanish before his eyes. Zee didn't mind at all. He would stay like this forever if he could. Then suddenly they felt shaking.

Saint immediately sat up alert. Ready for anything. Zee however stayed laying down eyes closed taking deep breath's.

"He's here."

Saint looked down in confusion at Zee. "What do you mean 'he's here' Zee?"

Zee opened his eyes looking at Saint seriously. His eyes a hellish red almost glowing in a way.

"He has no name, but he is for sure 100% a demon that's haunted me ever since I was born." Zee said blankly. Slowly sitting up it felt like his body was on fire but he ignored it. Before Saint could say anything a horrifyingly low voice sounded behind them.

       "So we meet again."

      Zee flinched slightly at the familiar voice. The voice that has haunted his dreams for a long time. Heartbeat picking up slightly. Even though his back was turned he could sense every move by him.

    Reacting fast he grabbed Saint and rolled them over to the left. Just barely missing the blast aimed where they just were. Looking up he glared at the dark figure in front of them.

"I see you still react fast even though those void burns have weakened you." The demon smirked. Zee stayed silent. "What? Have nothing to say?"

Zee could see Poppy and Jimmy out of the corner of his eyes. He smirked and then the battle began.


The fight raged on for a long time. Saint would sometimes shield Zee whenever he became to weak. Straight when things were going their way something happened.

"Tell me." The demon said looking at all of them. They were all leaned against the wall. "Would you really hurt your friend." At that moment the dark mast turned into the face of Joss. "Would you be willing to hurt me?"

A bright light shone in all of their faces. "Your family, they're a part of me." Zee heard the words in his ears. Eyes flashing from green to red green to red. Growling he held his head tightly. "Would you kill them?"

"No" Zee said blankly forever potions won't ever work on him. Because he has hope he's stronger than anyone. But the others weren't. Poppy and Jimmy both ran at him. Trying to hit him Zee moved back.

"Please! I don't want to hurt any of you!" Zee pleaded. I'm the end he had to throw both of them to the side. Then staring at Saint.

"I'm sorry." Saint said weakly eyes flashing from brown to green. Quickly Zee ran to Saint and hugged him tightly.

Saying in Saint's ear sternly. "Fight it."

Saint looked back eyes brown and nodded. Zee looked at the demon coldly. This ends now.

Zee grabbed the sword that he used on that night and ran to him. Quickly plunging the sword into where the heart should be. The demon gasped and fell to his knees. A bright light shone. And one flash and everyone was teleported to somewhere on the island.

Straight before things went black Zee felt a huge wave of pain strike him.

Everyone who participated in the fight was affected in some way. Poppy lost his magic. Jimmy now calls everyone by the number of letters in their name. Saint got slightly injured. But Zee well let's just say...

"Who are You???"

I know! I'm so evil and this is probably the shortest and not as good chapter I've written lol But I really wanted to post the next chapter. Things will get better from here ok? I promise😅
Stay Safe💕💕

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