Chapter 6-Seeing Red

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Zee snapped...

Zee was too far gone to be aware of his actions. His mind clouded by the heartbreak of Saint's death. The insults being thrown at him only adding to the building anger inside of him. He's had enough, he was sick of never being able to be happy. Sick of always having the things dear to him ripped from his hands. Everyone calls him a monster, maybe he is.

In that moment the true monster inside of Zee was unleashed.

Screams of terror, the sound of people running. The growls of Zee and the sound of the person in front of him falling to the ground. The sword in his hand covered in the blood of that person.

Each guard who confronted him ended up dead on the ground. Then the person that has brought him extreme pain stood in front of him.

       Zee growled and put his hands to his head. Shutting his eyes tight he felt to the ground. In the next minute the figure of Zee was gone. In place a wolf, a monster. Zee was long gone in place this monster that will kill anything in its way.

        People around him started falling to the ground in pain. The battle between Perth and Zee was long and bloody. But it ended with the wolf of Zee on top of Perth and killing him.

        Then he felt something get shot into him. Falling on his side the eyes of this wolf slowly closed the last thing he heard were pairs of footsteps approaching him.

                        ~In another universe~

       "Life can be too short, so you need to make sure to live in the moment." Saint said quietly leaning back into Zee's arms.

          "Do you truly think they will come out together in the end?" Zee said lightly stroking his hair.

          "I do. I've even tried to get Saint to leave him but his love is just as unselfish as mine." Saint pecked Zee on the lips. "He's also just as dominant as me."

          "Shut up Saint!" Zee groaned mentally facepalming himself. "You've been looking at us in this different universe for a while."

          "Hmm well when you can walk through time that helps." Saint giggled lightly smiling.

          "Yes but keep in mind your using my magic to walk into their dreams." Zee said flatly.

         "But I always reward you for helping me with this, don't I?" Saint said looking up smirking at Zee.

        "Your lucky I love you." Zee grumbled before pulling him into a kiss. Saint smiled into the kiss and welcomed Zee into his arms.  Pulling back he looked at Zee tenderly before lightly kissing him on the forehead.

        "Their love will only grow stronger through these situations." Saint murmured.

{End of dimension}


         Everything's went wrong and nothing can fix it. Saint's dead, Mew's dead, Zee's been captured, and Joss is overtaken by a demon and gone. Jimmy looked at the lifeless body of Saint.

"There's a way we can save Saint!" Poppy yelled from behind which made Jimmy jump. "Don't worry Jimmy no mind control spell can overcome me." Poppy said noticing the nervousness in his eyes.

Jimmy let out a breath and then his eyes widened just now realizing what Poppy said.

"Wait you can save Saint?!"

Poppy nodded his head and opened a book.

"Right here is a spell that can heal a wound bones flesh and all." Poppy said pointing at a spell in the book.

"Are you sure?" Jimmy asked hesitance in his voice.

"Jimmy if there's even a chance we can bring Saint back don't you think we should take it?" Poppy said lightly.

Jimmy looked at Poppy hesitantly before nodding his head. Poppy walked over to Saint who was still laying on the towel. Taking a deep breath in Poppy started the incantation.

Jimmy watched with Tommy behind him looking in astonishment.

When Poppy stopped talking they all started at Saint. His body still motionless. Jimmy slumped down in sadness, he knew it wouldn't work. Saint's already dead and nothing can bring him back.

Suddenly he heard Poppy gasp and his eyes snapped open. Poppy's eyes wide, jimmy followed his eyes to the sight of Saint's body. His chest moving slightly up and down. Jimmy rushed over and checked for a pulse.

He was overcome by joy when he felt a pulse. Very slow but a pulse Jimmy looked at Saint's face and his eyes were open.

Jimmy felt tears gather in his eyes and he smiled.

"Wait..." Saint said in a hoarse voice. "Where's Zee!" Saint said alarmed and shot up.

Everyone gulped no one wanting to answer that question.

Saint's back! But Zee's gone! Hahaha sorry for all the heartache I'm causing you. Just hang in there everyone if you have any questions I may or may not answer them haha. I know the chapters have been shorter but they will be longer soon.
Stay Safe💕💕

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