Chapter 2-Broken Memories

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"Oooo looks like someone's in love~" Mew teases Zee laughing.

"Ugh! Shut it Mew sometimes you being my brother is annoying!" Zee said annoyed but the glint of amusement in his eyes said otherwise. "And I'm not in love."

"Mhm sure! I see the way you look at Saint!" Mew said and laughed at the shocked expression on Zee's face. "Just and the man to prom Zee! Stop being weak and ask him."

           "It's not that easy Mew." Zee pouted at his older brother. "Half of the school has already asked him just because they think he's the alpha female."

          "I know Zee but haven't you seen that every single person that asks Saint he turns them down." Mew bumped Zee in the shoulder playfully. "He may be waiting for a certain someone to ask him." Mew squealed like a kid for his younger brothers love.

         "What and it's like you've asked Gulf to prom?" Zee said smirking knowing he hit a weak spot. Mew looked at Zee eyes wide.

         "W-What? How do you kn-" Mew stuttered and Zee shushed him.

          "I have my ways." Zee chuckled lightly and sat on his bed. Looking up from his phone he also said. "And it's obvious, almost as bad as me."


"That's enough dad!" Mew yelled and stood in front of Zee. Zee was curled up in a ball his breathing shallow and slow. "If you have anymore anger just take it out on me."


"Zee!" Mew yelled as he opened up the door to his brothers room. Zee was laying motionless on the floor blood covering his wrists and arms. Fear sparked in Mew's eyes and he ran to Zee's side. "Why? Why would you do this to yourself?" Mew looked at the knife on the floor next to him. Mew gently cradled Zee in his arms, mom had already called 911. "How long have you been doing this?"

When the ambulance got here they loaded Zee into a stretcher. Mew insisted on riding with them in the ambulance. While he was in the ambulance holding onto Zee's hand tight. The scariest thing happened. Zee's heart stopped. Mew has to watch in vain as they brought Zee back to life in the back of the ambulance.

The whole ride there Mew held onto Zee's hand tightly. Whispering all the things he would do for Zee as long as he wakes up.


Zee was there yet he wasn't. Zee knee he was laying on a hospital bed yet he couldn't wake up. But he heard everything.

"Just go ahead and pull the plug he'll die sooner or later." His father said dryly.

"No! Don't pull the plug please! I know Zee is still there he's stronger than anyone I've ever knew!" Zee heard Mew's voice yelling frantically.

He's always been by his side

He always been there

But now...

He's gone....

           Straight when they had left the building and was in alleyway. Zee punched the stone wall in front of him. He hunched over tears streaming down his face. Breathing hard he could feel the pain from him punching the wall. His eyes a bloodshot red.

          "Zee your eyes.." Mark said and looked at him with concern.
          "I lost him.." Zee whispered quietly. "I lost him.."

       "No Zee you didn't lose him! For all we know Mew may be alive." Mark said and put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

          "We both heard and saw the gunshots Mark he's gone...." Zee said quietly and punched the wall weakly.

          "Zee we need to meet up with the others." Mark said but in his mind he was saying. I need to get you to Saint.. Before you lose control. He needs comfort, Saint's comfort. Pulling out his phone he sent a quick text to Jimmy.


          Jimmy and Saint were headed to their old house. The one where Saint, Zee, Mew, and Gulf lives when everything was ok. Taking the back routes to avoid being seen. Then he got a text and looked at who it was from. He froze when he read the text.

Mark- Jimmy Zee NEEDS Saint right now and I'm not kidding.

Jimmy- Why? What happened?

Mark- Mew may be dead
Mark- But Zee needs Saint so much right now I'm afraid it may be the only way to calm Zee's emotions.

Jimmy- We're headed to where Saint, Zee, Mew, and Gulf lived before all this happened get Zee here quick.

      Jimmy closed his phone and they had just arrived at the house. Everyone had already searched this house so it's probably the safest place. Saint had already went inside and Jimmy followed.

         "Saint.. Zee needs you." Jimmy said quietly and Saint raised his head eyes wide.

          "WHAT HAPPENED TELL ME!" Saint raised his voice despair in his eyes.

         "I can tell you later right now. Mark and Zee are on their way here ok let's just wait." Jimmy said lightly and sat on the couch. Saint only nodded his head and sat down too.


        They heard a knock on the door and Saint approached the door cautiously. When he looked to see who it was it was Mark. Saint's eyes widened at how shattered Zee looked. Saint quickly unlocked the door and let them in. Mark entered and looked at Zee in despair.

        "Zee?" Saint said cautiously poking at the broken figure of Zee in front of him.

       When Zee heard Saint's soft calming voice he lost it. Pulling Saint close he hugged him tightly. Broken sobs coming out of his mouth. Saint immediately wrapped his arms around Zee eyes wide. This was the most broken Saint had seen Zee ever be.
      "Tell me what happened." Saint said sternly looking over at Mark.

       "M-Mew may be dead." Mark said quietly shutting his eyes tight. The mention of Mew's name made Zee cry harder. Saint motioned for the other two to leave. When they were gone Saint moved them to the couch arms never leaving Zee.

        "Don't leave me Saint... please..." Zee choked out the words tears still streaming down his face.

        "I won't leave you Zee. I'll never leave you."

If only either of them believed those words.

Little bit of ZaintSee love before I drop a huge bomb in a couple more chapters 😭😭

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