Chapter 3-Unselfish Love

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        Zee had fallen asleep on Saint's chest on the sofa. But Saint never tried to wake Zee up or move away. Zee needed this more than anything. Just plain comfort and soothing. Saint stroked Zee's hair gently with one hand the other lightly caressing his back.

         He nor anyone else dared to wake Zee up. Knowing he hasn't slept but maybe 1 hour or so in the past 3 days. They also kept in mind how Saint would kill whoever woke Zee up.

         Saint listened to Zee's calm steady breaths. Saint then focused on how at peace Zee looked right now. His eyes closed and the calm expression on his face. His cheeks were still wet from the tears but other than that Zee was calmly asleep in Saint's arms. Saint smiled gently and breathed in the calming scent of the older. Smiling he placed his head on Zee's and closed his eyes.


Breathing hard the air around him was suddenly too thick to breath properly. Watching over and over Zee fall at his feet lifeless. Scared was an understatement. Terrified for this to ever happen Saint grabbed his head tightly trying to wake himself up.

This isn't real this is just a dream. But fuck, It looks so real! The blood pooling around the lifeless body of Zee. Saint needed to run over to Zee but he was frozen in place. His legs not moving an inch. Tears falling down Saint's face. All he could do was watch the horrific image over and over again. He was helplessly praying for this torture to end.

"Please, please, please, please, please." Saint cried out in broken whispers.

Suddenly the image was gone in its place was an identical image of him.

"Don't be scared Saint." The boy said, his voice was angelic like.

"W-Who... What... How..." Saint stuttered over his words.

"Calm down my child this is just a dream." The boy said again and smiled.

"My child? What?" Saint said breathless.

"I can't answer any of your questions for our time is short. Saint I need you to listen to me." The boy said and walked forward.

Hesitating Saint nodded quietly.

"Listen Saint my fate was set in stone a long time ago. But you your fate still isn't decided. You could leave Zee and forget about him. And not have to go through the challenges that you will face in the future. If you continue down the path your on Saint. You will only get hurt more before your heart can heal." The boy said calmly.

"I'm sorry are you my conscience or something? Because if you are is there a way to get a new one? I love Zee with all my heart and I'll never leave him. Even if I get shot one thousand times I'd never leave Zee. Zee needs me more than ever and I need him. We keep each other safe or we don't live at all. I've already made my choice to stay with Zee. Be there for him whenever he needs me. Hit me with every bad scenario I'd have to face in the future I'll stick by Zee's side anyways." Saint said a hint of anger in his tone.

"Wise decision young one." The boy said and smiled. "Your love is truly unselfish."

"Huh?" Saint asked confusion shining in his brown eyes.

"The unselfishness of your love will be the thing to bring you together with Zee again."

"Wait what do you mean again? Is he going to leave me?! A-Am I going to lose him?" Saint said panic flashing in his eyes. Before the boy can say anything else Saint is pulled into darkness. Slowly waking into the real world again.

           Saint felt the grasp of someone holding on to him tightly. Saint's hands automatically went the the mans hair and stroked it calmingly.

         "Shhh Zee it's fine I'm right here." Saint whispered gently in Zee's ear. Zee relaxed and breathed out, eyes opening halfway.

         "Saint?" Zee choked out the words. Saint hummed in response and Zee his his face in his neck. Nuzzling close to Saint and breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad your here with me."

         Saint's heart broke at realizing how fragile this person in front of him is. It feels like even the slightest touch can shatter this person into pieces. Wrapping his arms around the fragile figure Saint smiled secretly.

          "I'm glad your here with me too." Saint whispered gently. "Love you koala."

          "Love you SupSup." Zee whispered back with the same gentleness. In that moment he forgot about anything and everything that could and did happen. His mind went blank and for a couple seconds he was calm, happy, relaxed.

         But it didn't last for long when Zee suddenly had a coughing fit. Sitting up straight and hunching over still coughing

        Saint sat up in a flash and started patting Zee on the back. A couple more coughs and the fit stopped. Zee laid his head on Saint's lap.

        "What happened Zee?" Saint asked concern clear in his voice.

          "I just choked on some saliva that's it." Zee said with a forced laugh. What he said was 100% true but the laugh. It was hard for Zee to find humor in anything anymore.

         Saint breathed a sigh of relief. His hands finding Zee's hair again and going back to his calming movements.
         "Let's just stay like this for as long as we can." Saint said quietly l. "I don't think either of us are ready to face the situation we're in yet.

But the main question was...

Will they ever be ready for the events that would happen later in that day?

Grab the tissues for these next chapters everyone. We're about to go down a roller coaster of heart break and anger. Your allowed to be mad at me for what I'm gonna do in the next chapters lol. But don't be mad too long because I promise you that this author has a heart and would never leave my readers with a sad ending💕🥺
For I love all of you and won't break your hearts. Though I bet I've already broken your hearts multiple times😂 I'm sorry🥺🥺💕 Things will get better!
Stay Safe💕💕🥺

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