Chapter 7-Save You

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           (Keep in mind that Zee is an actual wolf not a werewolf in this. That can happen when an Ultima loses complete control. And this is the Saint from the other dimension not the Saint here.)

      Ultimas were known as red eyed beasts that killed anyone in their way. Heartless creatures that only look to kill. Creatures who couldn't love much less have anyone love them. Creatures with no emotions at all. Never cried, never smiled, never loved, never felt anything. At least that's what everyone said but Zee.

         Zee never wants to kill anyone. He has a heart bigger than anyone in the world. He loves and cherishes those close to him. He has people who love him. He has emotions just like anyone. He's cried, he's felt pain, he's smiled, he's loved. He feels everything that's thrown at him. He's also very fragile and sensitive. The only time he'll look to kill is if you've hurt someone dear to him. But even then he hates feeling the blood on him and seeing the lifeless eyes.

         He's stronger than he looks. The amount of pain and heartache he's dealt with. Is more than people think. There's plenty he doesn't tell people. Even Saint, there are multiple things he hasn't told him. It's not that he doesn't trust Saint, he does with all his heart. But because he doesn't want to reopen those wounds. He doesn't want to have to think about them again. Those wounds are the hardest to close again.

         Zee is always on edge and jumps at the slightest of sounds. Hard for him to calm down once he's gotten mad. His emotions he usually keeps to himself, even if that ends up hurting him. Zee has a naturally calm aura on the outside. But on the inside he may not be as calm or happy.

       Seeing Saint die messed his mind up. He can't think straight much less be aware of his actions. Mind clouded by the grief and despair drove him to killing may innocent lives. Now in the clutches of someone who wants to use his power to hurt people. Zee didn't put up a fight when they picked him up. Half from the drugs and the other half was he didn't want too. If Saint wasn't alive then he had no reason to fight. He just allowed them to do whatever they wanted with him.

He was helpless and defenseless. The last thing he remembered before falling back out of consciousness was being set on a platform.


Blurred vision his eyes opened for a split second before closing again. He could see two people talking behind a glass wall. When he slipped back out of consciousness he was surrounded by white. On his knees he just sat there.

Hearing a voice but he didn't bother to look up.

"Zee listen to me you need to get up."

Zee didn't listen he just sat there eyes closed. Silent tears falling from his eyes.

"Zee! Please get up, you need to get up."

       Zee continued to ignore the calls he couldn't even get up if he wanted to. He was too weak to even move an inch.

        "ZEE GET UP PLEASE!" Saint pleaded shaking Zee by the shoulders.

        No response... Zee was hardly aware of the shaking. He felt empty, cold, numb. That's just it he felt nothing. He felt like his soul had been ripped out of him. It felt like he was dead but yet he alive.

          "Please their going to end up killing you is you don't get up and fight." Saint pleaded once more.

Once again Zee just sat there as if he couldn't hear anything.

"This.... t-this is my fault...." Zee choked out the words. It was suddenly very hard to breath.

"What? No! No Zee this isn't your fault please!! Please get up!" Saint said despair in his voice.

Suddenly a big beam shot down on his Zee shut his eyes tight ready for the pain.....

But it never came. Zee opened his eyes slightly and saw a shield around him. Looking at the figure in front of him. It was Saint but no he's seen this boy before. He was the one who helped him wake up. He was Saint but not the Saint from his world.

Saint stood his ground keeping the beam from hitting me. Saint knew he wouldn't be able to hold it for long. He just hoped that there was someone here. That cared and would help Zee get out of this.

          Zee could hear faint footsteps he looked over just in time to be pushed off the platform. Laying on his side at the rim of the platform. Saint rushed over and it his hands on Zee's back. Zee started to glow and then disappeared. Saint had teleported Zee away from there.

         But Zee wasn't teleported somewhere in his world nor any other world. He was teleported to a place between worlds a place called...

       The Void, a completely empty place with the only thing to follow. A tiny path that went on forever.

       Zee may be out of one situation but now he's in a different one. Weak hardly able to move. He slowly transformed into his human self again.

        His eyes opening slowly, all he was met with was darkness. And the white light of the path he lay on. He knew he had to get up, he knew he had to fight. But how? He just doesn't know how to start.

Wondering how the heck Saint is going to save Zee? Well you'll find out soon. But after Zee is saved he won't only be very weak. But the worst battle is yet to come.
Stay Safe💕💕

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