Curse of Love (Part 2)

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They all then watched as DJ and Trollex toasted to being together.

Keith said, "I think they're gonna drink it."

Prince D asked, "Drink what?"

DJ and Trollex then both drank their drinks.

CJ went, "They're drinking it! They're drinking it!"

The other Trolls watched with confusion.

After they finished drinking it, they both hiccuped half-hearts that came together as one.

Once that happened, they suddenly looked into each other's eyes.

CJ said, "They're looking into each other's eyes!"

TBDB asked, "Yeah? So?"

The kids all said, "They're about to be in for a big surprise!"

DJ and Trollex stared at each other for a minute, until Trollex asked her, "DJ?"


"Will you be my one true love?"


The Trolls hiding gasped with astonishment.

They all went out to the even more in love couple.

Barb said to Trollex, "Wow. Pushing for a bigger commitment, huh?"

DJ said, "He's my one true love."

Everyone went, "Awww!"

But then, DJ said, "He's my schmoopy-doopy, sweetie-weetie Trolly pie."

Everyone then got confused looks on their faces.

Trollex then said, "You're my schmoopy-doopy, sweetie-weetie Trolly pie."

Delta asked, "Did he just say-"

Everyone then saw that their eyes were swirling.

DJ continued, "You're my cutie-patootie, lovey-dovey honey bunny."

Trollex replied, "You're my hearty-smarty, smoochy-woochie baby waby."


Barb then waved her hands in front of them, "Hey! Hello?! What's going on?!"

CJ asked, "Aunt DJ, are you alright?"

DJ replied, "I have a one true love...a kissy-wissy, snuggie-wuggie sugar bear."

They then rubbed noses.

Keith then said, "I think maybe that wasn't such a good idea."

Trollex went, "You're my cuddly-wuddly, poopsie-woopsie pumpkin pie."

Everyone slightly gagged.

Poppy said, "You think?"


Back in Pop Village, everyone tried to figure out what to do.

TBDB said to the kids, "What have you three done?! The king of Techno is acting like a grade-A goofball!"

They went through the book and Priscilla said, "Maybe we added too much rainbow."

Keith said, "Or maybe not enough cloud."

Priscilla then said, "Or maybe...uh-oh."

Poppy asked, "What do you mean, 'uh-oh'?"

Priscilla said, "We might not have given DJ and King Trollex a love potion. We may have given them a love poison!"

Everyone went, "What?!"

Priscilla explained, "Apparently, some king a long time ago whipped up this recipe and gave it to this queen he liked. He meant it to be a love potion, but things didn't turn out so well."

Trollzart asked, "How 'not so well' did things turn out?"

Priscilla said, "Well, there's something here about a dragon, a kingdom falling, chaos reigning."

Everyone got really anxious.

Priscilla continued, "Ok. Apparently, it was all because the king and queen were so lost in each other's eyes that they couldn't perform their royal duties."

Keith said, "Now, I get why they cancelled Lovesick Day; People really did get lovesick!"

CJ then said, "Great! We've not only turned my Aunt DJ and King Trollex into a couple of nonsense-spouting nincompoops, we may have put half of Trollstopia in jeopardy!"

Everyone got a worried look.

Branch said, "Now, let's not panic. I mean, I don't think that two lovesick Trolls could put half of Trollstopia is in jeopardy."

Poppy said, "But, Branch, Trollex does have royal duties and DJ still has responsibilities."

CJ said, "She's right. If we don't fix this, King Trollex won't be able to run Techno Reef. And Aunt DJ won't be able to play for Pop Parties. And before we know it, Techno Reef will be a place of utter destruction and Pop Village will be overrun with bored Pop Trolls! Oh, it'll be chaos! It'll be chaos!"

Priscilla then said, "There's an antidote!"

CJ replied, "Well, why didn't you say so? Didn't you see me getting all panicked back there?"

Barb said, "Good, I really didn't want to find out if all of that would happen."

Priscilla explained, "If we can keep King Trollex and DJ Suki from looking into each other's eyes for one full hour, the love curse will be broken."

Barb said, "Only an hour? We can pull that off in a second!"


Everyone watched with disgust as DJ and Trollex shared a milkshake.

Or at least tried to.

DJ said, "You take the first sip, snoogle-woogles."

Trollex replied, "No, you take it, shnoodlebunny."

"No, you, shnooky-lips."

"No, you, pookie-pie."

Queen Essence said to the others, "Yeah, we gotta fix this. I'm all for romance, but this has been going on for hours."

Branch said, "Well, we better do something before they decide to plan a wedding."

Priscilla then got an idea, "A wedding! That's it! DJ Suki and King Trollex should get married!"

Delta asked, "How is getting hitched gonna keep them apart?"

Poppy said, "Oh, I get it. They aren't really gonna get married. They're just gonna get ready to get married."

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