#2- Beneath the Scars

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"Beneath the Scars"

All the lies that made you bleed,
Knives of shame tried to succeed,
Gentle hugs you hate to need,
Killed your friends because of greed,

Innocent people had been hurt,
You screamed, but no one heard,
If you do not stop your blood of red,
You'll bleed on people till their dead,

All the "sorry" that I have said,
Made me sleepless in my bed,
This made me think I deserve karma,
Caused by unwanted 3 am drama,

To the souls that I have slain,
I deserve all these curses and pain,
Strangers inside, strangled me till no breath,
The blood on my hand scares me to death,

All the "I'm okay" that I've told,
To the darkness, my soul was sold,
My dark past made me a slave,
Deep inside I wished to be saved

Manipulated by her insecurity,
Caged by depression and anxiety,
Pride, envy, greed and self-hate,
Made her hurt them till it's too late,

The bruises and tears that I have shed,
Made me numb like the undead,
The most painful scars that made me die,
Are the scars not seen by the naked eye,

Beneath the lifeless cold eyes you see,
Lies a broken soul who was once happy,
Her innocence, by your words was slain,
Reality taught her to conquer the pain,

Became the darkness between the moon,
Silent screams played a calming tune,
Her brokenness shine like shooting stars,
There is more of her beneath the scars.


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