#20- Gnossienne

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A sudden struck of awareness,
For something you haven't witness,
Someone you know for years is still an enigma,
Whose life is like a mysterious and restricted cinema,

Behind the hallways of their personality,
A locked door prevented your entry,
Their mystery is like an endless stairway,
Sometimes they are near yet so far away,

Their unreadable presence occurred maddeningly,
Their unshakable mask fuelled your curiosity,
Their life is like a house unexplored fully,
Understanding them is the master key,

If you enjoy gossiping about people's mistakes,
The karma will haunt you until the day breaks,
Gossips can silently slay the listeners,
Who are you in the eyes of others?

You noticed how much you do not know,
Everyone has a chapter they'll never show,
Beneath the gnossiene is an untold story,
Always respect other people's privacy.


(n.) moment of awareness that someone you've known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life.

"Who are you
in the
eyes of others?"

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