#18- Fitzcarraldo

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An image lodged deep inside your brain,
A vivid recall within the memory lane,
Washed there by a sudden daydream,
Written inside the books of rhythm,

Planted during a casual conversation,
Grew into a wild and impractical vision
Scrambling back and forth inside your head,
Itching to leap headlong in order to be read,

Schools measure intelligence through memorisation,
Every student should be given a recognition,
Not just for having high grades above the rest,
But for always sharing kindness and doing their best,

The essence of fitzcarraldo teaches you how,
Be humble and arrogance  shall not allow,
Failure and defeat taught you to reach the top,
A winner is a loser who never gives up,

Loving yourself is the only thing you can't learn from school,
It's always about manners and not being cool,
Always treat others fairly and not less,
Being happy is the real definition of success.


(n.) an image that somehow becomes lodged deep in your brain.

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