#4- Altschmerz

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So weary from the same old issue,
Tired of using pillows as my tissue,
The same old boring flaw,
For years, the sadness gnaw,

The pain left you inert and tasteless,
Memories on repeat made you heartless,
The darkness inside made your soul heavy,
Reality made me see people more clearly,

Your passion slowly faded away,
Empty eyes stopped glowing with gay,
The grim truth of being not enough,
Made your heart so cold and tough,

Wandering off to memory lane,
Ready to dig some fresher pain,
You can't heal if you pretend you're not hurt,
Altschmerz is tragedy with the plot twist of rebirth.


(n.) weariness with the same old issues you've always had, with the same flaws and anxieties you've been gnawing for years.

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