Over Protective

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*Logan pov*

I can't believe this Roman who I barely know has a thing for PATTON!? No that can't be true... Can it? After what happened last time... I promised to protect Patton and make no mistake that is what I am going to do.

(Food TiMe!!!) Dinner

*Patton pov*

Logan seems tenser than usual. Something is wrong. I wonder if it's about yesterday night. Virgil and he seem extremely nervous around each other.

I have been talking to Roman about it. He has the same general idea I do. Something happened between them when we fell asleep.

"What should I make for dinner," I asked already in the kitchen.

Virgil was mumbling to himself but snapped out of it when he heard me. "I don't want anything." He said as he stared at the table.

"Are you sure?"


"If you say so."

I looked at Logan who was sitting in front of him. I could see he had a hint of.... concern in his eyes.

"It does not matter nor bother me what you make," Logan said as he went back into his thoughts.

"I am not sure what I want, but whatever you make I am sure will be delicious based on your lasagna." Logan got visibly tenser. He started to clench his fists to the point his knuckles turned white

*Virgil pov*

I saw Logan get angry as soon as Roman spoke. I think it's best if I talk to him right now before he does something he regrets.

"Hey, Logan.... um... Can I talk to you for a second?" I said as I got up from my seat at the table.

"Yeah. Sure..." then he got up and followed me to my room. I closed the door.

"What was that about?"

"I am not aware of what you mean Virgil."

"You know what I mean. Why did you get so pissed off when Roman spoke.?"

"Oh... that. I umm. " he looked conflicted.
"I an inkling that Roman has attraction toward Patton, and I got very protective of him because of. ..... last time-" He cut himself off.

I walked and sat on my bed and patted next to me signaling for him to sit there. He obliged and sat down next to me.

"Well I don't know what happened last time, but I do know that he is old enough to do things on his own. If Roman has a crush on him then he can decide what he is going to do. From what I can tell they are just friends, so don't worry Lo I am positive everything is fine, and if you feel like it's absolutely necessary interfere."

"Yeah, I guess your right." He said looking down at his hands.

"Yeah and sorry for rambling Lo." He turned a bright red at the nickname.

"Its fine stormcloud." I felt my face instantly burn up. I could see a slight smile on his face.

You can't kiss him you meet him not too long ago, that would make things weird.

Little did Virgil know Logan was having then same thoughts as him.


Sorry for not posting I was losing inspiration and anxiety about people hating my writing, but I am going to post more

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