My box

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They have pulled me out of my box just so i could be pushed to the edge

And i stand there petrified, wondering what happens next

When you spend so long trapped in that box

You don't feel trapped

Instead you get comfortable

It turns into a home

Limited and confined yes

But still its your home

And you adapt to restriction

You wrap the restraints around you like a blanket

And you fall asleep to the words of other people

Telling you who to be, replaying over and over

Like a lullaby, words so harsh, sung so softly, sung so sweet

When you wake you're convinced this

All of this is how its supposed to be

So thank you but no thanks

I politely decline

Send me back to my box

I swear I'll be fine

Wrap me up in restraints

Sing me that harsh lullaby

Let me drift off to sleep

Convince me to forget

Let me stay a little longer

Please I'm not ready to leave yet.

Speaking OutDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora