Getting It Out

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*Mitch's POV*
It's been two weeks since we've been released from the hospital.

We've been staying in a hotel in Canada so we can rest easier than we would if we were traveling.

Avi, Kevin and Scott's casts have all been replaced with braces and Kirstie is out of her neck brace and has regained a lot of her memory, as the doctor had told us she would.

I wish my injury was temporary.

Despite my impediment, Scott and I have decided to continue Superfruit. We have not yet told the fans about what happened in extensive detail, they just know about the crash.

Today is Saturday, and it's our first show and our filming day for Superfruit.

"Hey Mitch, wanna film now? We need to tell everyone." Scott says.

I nod and sign. I'll get the camera.

We've been working on sign language for a couple of weeks and we all picked up on it pretty quickly.

I get the camera while Scott sets up the lights.

We struggle to find the right place to put the camera because of the hotel's crappy lighting, but finally decide on a spot near the window.

We turn on the camera. "Wait, where's my phone?" Scott frantically looks around the room for his phone.

I silently laugh when it's in his back pocket. He turns to me. "Have you seen it?" I shake my head no.

He continues to look for a couple minutes and I finally grab it out of his pocket and hand it to him. He grabs it. "You knew it was there, didn't you?"

I shrug. I don't know what you're talking about.

He rolls his eyes. "Okay, let's get started."

"What's up, everyone! Welcome to Superfruit.My name is Scott and this is Mitch."

I smile and wave.

"Um, today...we're doing something a little different. As you know, all of us in Pentatonix were in a very serious car accident. We're all alive, but we all suffered broken bones and Kirstie got a serious head injury. Kirstie is fine and in recovery, but Mitch's injuries were more serious." He starts to get choked up.I just sit there and try not to cry. This is harder to do than I thought.

Scott blinks back his tears. "Mitch has lost all ability to talk. He has damaged a part of his brain that allows him to sing, though he cannot speak. We will still continue Superfruit, it will just be a little different from now on."

I just wanted to thank y'all for everything you've done for us and I just want to let y'all know that I'm still the same person, just a little quieter.

We answer some questions and then decide to wrap up the video.

"Well, that's all we have time for today, thanks for tuning in, we love you!" I sign "I love you" to the camera.

"Goodbye!" We sing in harmony.

Scott gets up to go to the bathroom and I just sit there.

I sit there wondering why I can sing, but I can't speak or laugh. It's like my brain won't let anything come out of my mouth. When I do try to speak, it's extremely slurred and barely audible. I wish someone had an answer.

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