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Last time on Better ...

"Congratulations to the happy couple. I'm Trent's brother –" Courtney's eyes widened as she looked at the man that stood on the side of the group.



Chapter one ;

"You know Trent's stepbrother?" Gwen looked at the girl confused as the group's excitement quickly came to a halt. "Know me? Of course, Courtney knows me." His pierced eyebrow raised as Duncan looked over at the ginger. "Really? How?" The ginger smirked as he looked towards the former delinquent. "We used to date." "Of course, I didn't know Trent had to be burdened with having you as a step brother." A glare took over Scott's features glaring at the brunette. "You take that back." a content sigh left the girl's lips as she looked at her nails. "I won't." "Hello?! This is about me and Alejandro, not whatever... this is. Anyways, let's continue this at me and Alejandro's place. People are looking at us now. And contrary to popular belief, all press is not good press."


The small group walked into the high end apartment Gwen, Trent, and Scott looked around in awe. Since it was their first time being there. "Ew, I like don't want that guy on our couch." Heather whispered to Alejandro as she pulled her short stilettos off. A small chuckle left his lips about to answer her but being cut off by her snapping at him. "I'm serious, Al!" His smile quickly disappeared as he rolled his eyes. "I doubt he's actually dirty. Stop being a grouch before I send you off to bed." And with that, he returned to their friends, leaving Heather to herself to grumble. Crossing her arms over her chest she watched as he sat down a few feet away from Courtney. "Here we fucking go..." she whispered quickly walking over sitting between the two. "Thanks for saving me a seat guys." A groan was heard from Scott's mouth as Courtney smiled at her manipulative friend. "Alejandro, you should go get us a snack." A smirk came over her lips as she looked up at him. "Thanks." A small glare directed at his fiancé was his final action before disappearing into the kitchen. "Duncan, Geoff, Trent. Go with him." A (fake) sweet smile took over her face as she looked at the three guys. "But i dont wan-" "GO!" The three jumped quickly getting up from their seats and meeting Alejandro in the kitchen. "Great." Her smile disappeared as the four girls put their attention on Scott.

"So, you're Trent's step brother that he never shuts up about. Little misleading." Heather shrugged, giving the ginger an unimpressed look. "And then to find out you dated Courtney? Girl, what were you thinking." A small laugh escaped the Latina's mouth as she looked at the girls, answering Gwen's question. "I wasn't." The four girls started to laugh as Scott's face got angrier by the second. "Aww girls look. He's getting upset." Bridgette took on a baby voice, making the girls laugh again just as the guys returned. Alejandro set the platter down before sitting on a chair, picking up the champagne glass Geoff gave to everyone except Heather. "So what were you girls talking about?" "Ohh, nothing important." Courtney shrugged as she stirred her cup around. "We should do another toast. The one at the restaurant kind of got interrupted." Heather piped up, flipping her hair over her shoulder slightly hitting Scott with her long raven colored locks. "I agree. Come on guys." Geoff took the fork from the platter lightly hitting it against his glass. "To happiness. For all of us. I love you guys." He chuckles holding his glass up before everyone joined.

"To happiness." And with that the group clinked their glasses together. Believing that their toast would actually bring them joy. But... they were wrong.

Welcome to the third book of Lowlife. I am super excited for this book. I have most of it already planned out just have to put it down. Also how do you guys like this new format? With the small recap and the name of the chapter, i'll keep it if you guys like it.

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