Chapter 4

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The Rosier Sisters

"You should be more careful," Narcissa said handing a letter to her sister Andromeda. "If Bella had seen this and not me," she shuddered at the thought.

Andromeda snatched the letter from her sister's hands. "You don't approve either." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"I think you're being foolish, risking something that 'ought not be risked," Narcissa replied.

"I love him," Andromeda said darkly. "Father and Bella can kick me out for all I care."

Narcissa shot her a warning look. "Lower your voice. You're going to get yourself hexed."

Andromeda sighed. "I just wish the family would unsteing themselves."

"He's a mudblood." Narcissa sneered. "Fat chance of anyone ever approving."

Bellatrix walked into the kitchen and snatched the letter from Andromeda's hand. "Does 'Meda have a lover?" She cooed.

"Give it back," Andromeda shouted making a grab for it.

Bellatrix easily sidestepped her as she broke the seal and began to read the letter. With every word she took in, Bellatrix's cocky grinned turned to an evil scowl.

She threw the letter down to the floor and stamped it with her foot. "You disgust me!" She spat into Andromeda's face.

Andromeda scooped the letter from the floor. Bellatrix grabbed her sister's wrist. "Come with me."

Andromeda wrenched away and pulled out her wand. "No!"

Bellatrix clicked her tongue. "Fine, then I'll just go tell Daddy that you've been writing a mudblood. Filthy blood traitor."

Andromeda gasped. "You wouldn't!"

Bellatrix cackled. "Oh, I would."

All the confidence Andromeda had moments before drained from her face. "Bella, he'll kill him!"

"Well, that's kinda the whole point." Bellatrix grinned pulling out her wand and twirling it in her fingers lazily.

"You're a monster."

"Why can't you be like Cissy?" Bellatrix accused ignoring the insult. "She's getting married to the nice Malfoy boy. He's got plenty of gold and lots of pure-blood. But no, you go off with a good for nothing muggle-born. You're a disgrace to our family."

Narcissa was watching the encounter with her head bowed. She shook her head at the last part but said nothing.

"Fine then!" Andromeda shouted. "I'm done! I don't need our family!"

She stomped from the house she had called home for so many years and knew that she could never go back.

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