Chapter 7

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May 1st, 1998

A distraught wail emitted from the cradle beside Remus and Tonks's bed. Teddy was crying. Remus awoke immediately, he looked over at his wife who was still sleeping heavily.

He heaved himself out of bed and over to the cradle where the wailing infant was waving his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Remus yawned as he picked the small boy up.

He walked out of the bedroom so Dora could still sleep and went down to the sitting room where there was a rocking chair.

Teddy screwed up his face and his hair turned bubble-gum pink.

"You have been with your Mum all day." Remus sighed sitting down and leaning his son against his chest. "She is exhausted, so you're stuck with me."

Teddy became quite and wiggled slightly so he was more comfortable. Remus was holding him close as he rocked gently.

"Why don't I tell you a story about your godfather," Remus suggested.

He stared at the floor where the moonlight was shining through the blinds.

"Harry, that's right, Harry Potter is your godfather. He's seventeen now. I think he's a shell cottage with your cousins. Or at least I hope. He's safe there at least."

Remus and Dora hadn't even considered not raising their son with the Weasley's around. For all, they cared Teddy was family to them.

"When I first met Harry I thought he was like his dad. James, always had a way of getting into trouble, and Harry does too, but as I got to know him I realized he was more like Lily, his mum. Teddy, I hope you inherit your mother's sense of fun. You can have my brains if you like, but I was a mess in school, you deserve the world my boy. I promise to do everything in my power so that you have it."

Remus looked back down at Teddy to see him sleeping again. But Remus wasn't quite ready to get up.

He whispered softly, "If we don't make it out of this mess I want you to be kind to your grandmother. Don't get mad when Harry has his own children, he already sees you as his son. I know it."

Remus placed a gentle kiss on the crown of Teddy's head before delicately standing up out of the rocking chair. 

pavement :||: marauders era one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora