Chapter 9

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Sirius walked into the head's common room. He stopped short when he saw Lily sitting in an armchair folded into herself, sobbing.

"E-Evans," He stammered out. "Sorry, I was just looking for Prongs, I did- I didn't mean to intrude."

"It's fine," Lily sniffed, wiping under her eyes. "He's in his room. Although he's acting like an arsehole so I don't know if you want to hang out with him."

Sirius leaned down next to Lily who was trying to sop up her tears with her sleeve. "Evans, I don't think James is capable of making you cry. What happened?"

"Well, he doesn't know that I'm crying," Lily said dryly. "But we had a fight."

"About what?" Sirius asked laying a comforting hand on her knee.

"Severus," Lily whispered.

Sirius made a disgusted face. "Snivellus?"

"Oh, I wish you wouldn't call him that!" Lily cried loudly with tears still streaming down her face.

Sirius became very detached from the conversation very quickly. He stood back up to go find James. "You can't keep protecting him."

He turned on his heel heading towards the staircase that led to James' room.

"You bloody hypocrite!" Lily shrieked from behind him.

Sirius whipped around and looked at Lily, shock playing clearly over his features.

"What about Regulus?" Lily demanded. Her words cut through the air like a knife through butter.

Sirius stared at her for serval moments, completely stone-faced. At long last, he growled, "What about Regulus?"

"I would think that you of all people would know how hard this is for me!" Lily cried. "To see someone you care about choose the wrong path. Knowing the deep down there is nothing you can do about it, so you just have to watch."

Sirius flushed deeply and muttered, "It's not that simple."

"Exactly," Lily replied.

Sirius scowled and didn't say anything as he crossed his arms.

"You know what he's doing is wrong," Lily whispered stepping closer to Sirius. "You wish that he wasn't doing it, because not only does it go against everything you believe in, he's endangering his life. You want to break ties with him, you really want to break those ties, but deep down, you still care about him. So you can't."

Lily finished giving Sirius a knowing look. He stared right back before long he chuckled dryly.

"I guess we're both bloody hypocrites then."

"So it would seem," Lily whispered back. "So it would seem."

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