5. Change of events.

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Sunshines POV!!

    Morning practice is almost over with so I ask if I can go get changed since my first class is all the way on the other side of the school, Daichi says I can so I do and I go to take my shirt off when I hear a knock on the door. I pause and say come in, it's Kageyama I message Kawa and tell him to please call me so I don't have to talk to kageyama right now. After about a minute my phones begins to ring and I answer it, "Hey kitten, what are you doing right now?" I blush from the name, "I'm getting back into my uniform in the club room so you're on speaker." I tell him, "Is anyone in there with you?" I smile once again, he knows Kageyama's in there with me. "Yeah Kageyama is, doesn't matter. Why'd you call?" I ask "Well I'm almost to school and big brother here was going to smack me if I didn't stop talking about you which he actually did smack me after we got away from your school..Head still hurts from that one.." I giggle and I've already changed my bottoms back and now I'm taking off my shirt. I gulp. "Well geez didn't know you were such a big baby Kawa, also the bruise from the asshole has gotten a little bigger from what it was." I say poking my stomach and flinch from the pain. I see Kageyama's eyes widen from the corner of my eye and I frown, "Has it really?" He asks and I hum back to him. "Can you send a picture?" "I guess I could..one second." I open the camera and take a picture opening up his contact and sending the picture, I hear two gasps come through the phone. "We probably should have put some bandage around your stomach Shoyo." I hear Iwaizumi say, "Yeah big bro we probably should have, Oh well I can just ask mom to bandage me up later!" I say pulling my shirt and coat back on.

      "Mom?" I hear Iwaizumi question, "Sugawara." Kawa answers and I hear an 'oohhh' through the phone I giggle once again. I've gotten dressed and I grab my bag putting it on, "Well anyways Kawa, Hajime I gotta get going, uh also one of my teammates wanna talk to me after practice. I'll get to the car when it's over with alright?" "Oh okay try not to be to late we gotta go steal a player from another team and we have to plan it for tomorrow since it's the weekend, so we know how to lure them in!" Kawa says, I can hear the seriousness in his voice so I'm guessing we're kidnapping a player tomorrow and I smile once again. "How about Bokuto? I wanna see my senpai again!" I say happily. "Also we might end up stealing two since Bokuto might drag along Akaashi too, so this is gonna be fun!" I say walking towards the door, "Alright well I'll call when I get there today so try to make talking quickly okay Hina?" Kawa says "Alright I will. See and talk to you later Kawa! Hajime!" I say " A-alright Hina..Uh wait uh I uh um..Nevermind I'll tell you in when I come pick you up...Later have a good day!" "Oh okay then, you too Kawa bye bye!" I say as I close the door and ending the call, walking down the stairs I message him. 

Thank you for that otherwise it would have been awkward and also Kageyama saw my stomach.

  No problem and he saw?! How did he react? Did he ask anything?

  No he didn't ask anything his eyes widened when he saw so he knows I got hurt but not who did it.

Ah okay well try not to let anyone else see, alright? 

Alright I will try to, see you later Kawa.

 Alright kitten anyways I'm almost to class .

   I smile putting my phone away and I stop infront of my own classroom, turning the ringer off and putting vibrate on my phone and slipping it back into my pocket. I walk in and sit down in my chair, there's about three minutes before the bell rings signalling first period when someone comes in. Who else but the salty Dinosaur himself, I take my phone back out and check the time. One more minute till the bell rings, oh yeah I have history first period and Tsukishima sits behind me. He can for sure see over my head and shoulder depending on which hand he's leaning onto. Soon enough the bell rings and people start flooding in and then the teacher, the lesson continues on everything going fine. Until I feel my phone vibrate I take it out smiling I look at the name and my smile fades and I can feel tears stinging in my eyes, it's that asshole... 

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