12. New things

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*Shoyo's POV*

        I wake up to Kawa placing kisses all over my face, I push his face away groaning and rubbing my eyes. "Hm..?" "Nothing baby boy just wanna give you kisses.." I smile nodding, I hear a chuckle and then kisses being pressed all over my face again. I giggle and cup his cheeks as he does and he finishes off all the kiss with one on the lips. I smile into the kiss rubbing his cheek and he pulls away. "Today's the day you learn how to use a cane sweetie!" I can hear the smile in his voice and I can't help but smile to myself, I nod hugging him. "I'll be walking beside you when you do so if you fall I'll be right there to catch you!" I giggle and poke him. "Lets go take a bath okay?" I pout and I hear him sigh. "Sho you need to take a bath.." I shake my head and I feel him cup my cheeks squishing them a little to where my lips are puckered and he kisses me. "Bath come on.." I whine and poke him more "I took a bath last night do I have to..?" he says yes and I groan leaning my head back and I hear him sigh again. "We don't have to wash your hair just your body okay?" I think about for a second before agreeing. We get Touka to come undo the tubes and we go to the bathroom and wash up except Tooru tricked me and washed my hair...

    I whined to him how he said we'd only wash my body but all he did was laugh! I'm still pouting about it and he's trying to get me to smile and I almost smiled but stopped myself from doing so. I feel him hold onto my waist before tickling me, I laugh pushing his hands away but he keeps on tickling me. "Raawr! I'm the tickle monster who brings laughter!" He laughed out stopping and holding me. "I love seeing your smile kitten.." I blush hiding my face in his chest and I hear a giggle then him rubbing my back with one hand and the other playing with my hair.

    We stand like that for a couple minutes before the Touka comes back in and says that the doctor is coming with a cane and to be ready. We thanked her and waiting for the doctor to come in, we sat and talked waiting for him when we heard a knock then the doctor speaking. "Alright Hinata, I have the cane and some basic brail for you to start learning!" I nod thanking him and he asks for me to stand up and to grab on to Tooru. "Alright we're gonna go to a different room that has little obsticals for you to leanr how to use the cane and how to avoid things. If you don't mind shall we get going?" I nod standing up and grabbing onto Tooru following him and the doctor to this room.

    I hear a door open and then the door close behind me. I turn my head around looking for any type of difference in lighting and there's a window coming from the left of me, I look over at it...well turn towards it then looking up at Tooru bouncing a little. I hear him chuckle before walking over to the window and he opens it, I smile sticking my head out and breathing in the air as it blows through my hair. "You really like the wond don't ya Sho?" I nod closing my eyes before bringing my head back in and shutting it. The doctor hasn't said anything I hear him clear his throat then he starts talking about how to use a cane.

    He hands me the cane. "Alright so Hinata what you're going to do is swipe it to the left and move your right foot forward, can you try doing that?" I nod moving the cane to right and move my foot right foot forward, the doctor stops me. "No, Hinata no wrong way, you need to move it left and move your right foot." I nod again and move the cane to the left and then moving my right foot forward, I hear claps come from the doctors direction and I smile. "Did I do it correct?" "Yes you did it Sho!" Tooru said and I smile again. "Alright Hinata now move the cane to the right and move your left foot forward!" I say okay and move the cane to the right and move my left foot and I get another thing of claps.

   "Good job Hinata! Now continue doing that. I'm gonna move a chair into somewhere in the room, you're gonna need to navigate your way around it once you find it. Once you find it and walk around a little more I'm gonna add objects without telling you, now uh mr..." It's silent for a second before Tooru speaks up. "My names Oikawa just call me Oikawa though no mr!" He said happily. "Alright Oikawa I want you to stand next to him just incase he falls but don't say if there's an object in his way so he can figure things out so if he's out on his own which I doubt you'd allow that anyways.." I hear the doctor pick up the chair and set it down in around what I'm guessing is the middle of the room? I turn a little in that direction and begin moving the cane to the left moving my right foot with it.

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