what the mentors dont tell you

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from the diaries of keefe sencen -

I learned the best. Foxfire. Secret. EVER!

And that's saying a lot.  I've discovered secret passageways, facts about Mentors, and even snuck into the secret "Mentors only" cafeteria! Someday I'll find the right person to share it with but for now, I keep it close to my heart- and my mouth, whenever I get hungry :)

I was ditching as always, and looking through my locker to find something to prank somebody- and then the handle fell off! I looked to see if I could fix it and I saw that there was a huge hole in the metal with smaller holes that looked like a vent.

I figured it was probably where Mentors used to put air refresheners or something so that all the prodigies lockers wouldn't smell so bad.   But I had much better uses for such secret enterances.

Because I figured this: when people annoy you, (cough, cough, Dame Alina) call in Stinko and his friends to help!!!

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