Chapter 6

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*Tobias pov*

Is it really time for me to die..... I already feel the world slipping away.

*Tris pov*

No! He can't be dead! I just came back! Why can't anything go right!

*Zeke pov*

I swear to god I'm going to kill the person who did this.

*Christina pov*

Oh Jesus. Why tobias? Why not Caleb, or Mathew?

*Caleb pov*

I feel so bad for tris, but I just truly do not believe that in my heart, tobias was the one for her. There was another man that is good for her.

*Mathew pov*

I at least lost my competition. At least it wasn't me, right?

*Marcus pov*

This is all part of the plan.

*Peter pov*

This is not how it was supposed to go! It was supposed to be the leg, not the neck! How could you even kill your own son, just for the suffering of Tris!? I have to tell her now, about my feelings for her. But what about Tobias? He was a good guy! Why did I ever join this plan!?

AN// sorry for the short chapter! But please answer this, #team4 #teammathew or #teampeter

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