Chapter 2

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--Scotty McCreery--

Jenna is different than any other girl I have met. She hasn't been treating me like I am famous. Instead, she seems to be clueless of who I really am. I looked over at her as I drove, and she was scrolling through her phone. The commercials were playing from the radio, and I smiled remembering us singing just a few minutes ago. She had a nice voice.

"What are you smiling about?" Jenna asked frowning and I shrugged. "Oh nothing." I grinned and then heard the radio announcer mention something about me. I held my breath and looked over at Jenna who didn't seem to notice. I sighed and flipped off the radio to play my Elvis Presley CD. A few minutes later, we were pulling into the small theatre. The parking lot was full of cars.

I texted Kyle and told him that we would be inside in a second, before I helped Jenna out of the car. I took note that it was getting really cold out and realized that neither of us were wearing a coat. "You cold?" I asked Jenna and she looked at me. "Kind of, but we are going inside, right?" She asked. I nodded but opened the back of the truck and pulled out two of my heavy coats. I always made sure that I carried something to keep myself warm. "Here you can wear one of these." I handed her one. She put it on and I did the same with the other. "Thanks Scotty." She smiled and I smiled. "Sure thing. Now let's head in."

We bought two of the tickets from the box office and then headed inside. I found Kyle and Colin standing in line for popcorn and they motioned for us to join them. I grabbed Jenna's hand and pulled her behind me as we made our way to them. I had to apologize to a few unhappy people who didn't like the idea of us getting in front of them, but we eventually made it to where Kyle and Colin were. I noticed how cold Jenna's hand in mine was, and I was glad I gave her one of my coats. "Hey guys!" I smiled when we got close. "Hey! Glad to see you guys made it in one piece with your driving, Scott." Kyle teased and I heard Jenna laugh from beside me. "Well it's a lot better than your driving Kyle." I smirked. He shook his head and decided to change the subject.

"Alright, what do you guys want to get? I was thinking popcorn and a sweet tea." Kyle suggested and I nodded. "I'll pay for mine and Jenna's." I offered and he shook his head. "I can get it." He smiled at Jenna and I looked at the ground. His smile faded when he realized that my hand was still in hers. And he chuckled. "Actually, I'll let you get this one Scotty boy." He winked and I thought now would be a good time to let go of her hand.

After Kyle and Colin ordered their food, I ordered for Jenna and I. She wanted the same thing that I got, so it was an easy order. We both decided on popcorn, sweet tea, and we were gonna share a pack of sour patch kids. I paid for the food, and then the four of us all headed into the theatre. I sat in between Kyle and Jenna, and Colin sat on the other side of Kyle. The movie started shortly after, and I enjoyed it. Elf has always been one of my favorites to watch during the holidays. I laughed as Buddy first arrived in the city, and heard Jenna laughing along with me. It made my heart happy that she was having a good time.

The movie ended too soon, and the four of us decided that we should do something else. "Mama and Ash are making Christmas cookies back at the house if y'all want to--" "HECK YEAH! Let's go!!" Colin and Kyle shouted and raced out to the car that they brought. I chuckled and shook my head, then looked over at Jenna who was laughing at them. "You want to go? Or I can take you home if it's too late." I suggested. She shook her head and smiled. "I'll go.
I can't pass up the opportunity to eat some cookies." She explained and I smiled. I was enjoying her hanging with us. She was really cool.

Once we were in the car, she buckled her seatbelt and then looked at me. "So you never told me what you do." She pointed out. My heart raced and I thought for a moment. Should I really tell her who I am? "You really have no idea who I am?" I asked eyeing her. Her eyes showed no recognition and I sighed. "Scotty McCreery?" I asked and she shook her head. She was clueless. What's the hurt in telling? I opened the glove department and pulled out my CDs. And set them in her lap.

"I'm a country singer.." I dumped on her all at once. She examined the CDs and was speechless. "What?" She asked looking at me surprised. I chuckled and pointed at the CDs. "That's me on the covers.." I pointed out and she rolled her eyes. "Obviously, smart one." She laughed and took a deep breath. "So your like, famous?" She asked looking me in the eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful green color and they pierced through mine. "Yeah.. You could say that.." I smiled and she laughed. "I can't believe this. I thought your voice was really good earlier, but it never dawned on me that you were a country singer. That's too cool." She smiled and opened a CD. "Mine if I play it?" She asked and I shook my head. "No, go ahead." I replied and she put in the CD.

We listened to the CD all the way to my parent's house, and I noticed that Kyle's car was already off signaling that he was already inside. Leave it to Kyle and Colin to make themselves at home. "Not bad." Jenna said once I shut off the car. "Thanks." I smiled and unbuckled my seatbelt. "Now before we go in, I apologize if my parents ask a million questions." I brought up and Jenna giggled. "Don't worry Scotty." She touched my arm and I looked at her hand and smiled. "I'll race you inside." I challenged and she grinned. "You're on."

We hopped out of the car and raced to the door. I let her reach it first, and found myself smiling as she celebrated. I heard laughing from the kitchen and noticed it as my mom and sister'a laughter. "Come on, let's go get some cookies." I grabbed her hand again and dragged her to the kitchen.

"Hey mama!" I dropped Jenna's hand and walked over to my mom placing a kiss on her cheek. "There's my baby boy! And who is this?" She asked smiling at Jenna. "This is Jenna, I met her at the Christmas party tonight, and we decided to let her hang with us since she seems pretty cool." I teased with a wink. Jenna shook her head and my mom slapped my arm. "Don't listen to him. It's nice to meet you. These boys need some discipline from a lady anyways. I'm Judy, and this is Ashley." She gave Jenna a hug and Ashley waved. "Nice to meet you guys." Jenna smiled and my mom clapped her hands together. "Alright the cookies are almost done! Go ahead and make yourself at home." My mom said mostly to Jenna and Kyle, Colin, and I ran into the living room. We took the sofa, and Jenna walked behind us and took one of the recliners.

Me and the guys fought over the remote and Jenna cleared her throat. "I'll pick the channel." She stood up and walked over, snatching the remote from my hands. We all shut up real quick and she walked and sat back down. Wow. She turned the tv to ABC Family, and Home Alone was playing. "God, she's a keeper." Kyle whispered to me. I nodded and found my eyes watching her more than I watched the television screen. I could feel myself falling for her, and I just met the girl! I could just wonder if she felt the same thing too...

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