Chapter 5

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--Jenna Caldwell--

I was surprised to hear that Kyle and Colin decided to not eat with us. As much as I wanted to be disappointed though, I couldn't help but feel happy that I would be able to chat more with Scotty. I am liking getting to know him.

Our drinks came back to the table and we ordered our food. Then we began playing a game of 50 questions. Scotty let me go first. "What is your favorite color?" I asked starting simple. He laughed at the question and smiled. "Are you serious? You could ask me anything in the world, but the first thing you thought was what's my favorite color?" I nodded and then realized how crazy it sounded. Oh well, we have a whole dinner to get to ask deeper questions.

"Okay. Well, I like red and blue." He answered simply. "Okay. Your turn." I replied smiling. He smiled back and thought for a moment.

"What's the craziest thing you have ever done?" He asked. So much for hitting the easy questions first. "Umm.. I don't think I have ever done something crazy.." I lied. Scotty watched me for a few seconds and smirked. "You are such a liar. Everyone has a daring side to them." He prodded. I tapped my fingers and pretended that I was thinking. There was no way I was going to tell him any of my wild stories.

"Nope. Nothing." I answered back and he crossed his arms. "Let me guess, you stole something." He guessed. "Heck no!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. "Hot wired a car?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Killed somebody?" His eyes twinkled and now I knew he was just teasing me. "Only once." I joked and he chuckled. "Come on, tell me one crazy thing you have done." He begged. I sighed and smiled. "You want to know the craziest thin I have done?" I asked. He nodded and I gestured for him to lean forward. He leaned across the table and I did the same to where my face was next to his ear.

"I once drove without my seatbelt." I whispered and then leaned back. He sat back and shot me a look, and then he began laughing. "People better watch out for you." He winked and I grinned back.

"Okay. Next question, what is the most embarrassing that that has ever happened to you?" I asked. Scotty looked away for a moment, and then smiled. "I won't just tell you, I will show you." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and pulled up a video. He slid it over to me across the table and I pressed play.

I saw a stage with lights, and the crowd was screaming. Scotty popped up on the stage, and the crowd erupted even louder. He started singing a song, and then when he went to run down the stage, he slipped on the ramp and fell. I held back a laugh as I watch him try to stand up, and then he slipped again. He tried one more time, and failed. I couldn't help it after that, I laughed so hard. He just gave up on trying at the moment and continued singing, and then stood up slowly and continued the song. Once the video ended, I slid the phone back to Scotty who was blushing.

"That was hilarious." I giggled thinking that Scotty looked adorable at this moment. "Laugh all you want, but I played it off well." He smirked.

Our question game was cut short when the waitress brought us out our food. We ate in silence, and I just realized how hungry I really was. I hadn't eaten since lunch! And this cheeseburger that I had was amazing. Scotty finished eating before I did, and he continued to watch me until I finished.

"It's good to know that oh aren't the salad type of girl." He smiled and I shook my head. "Nope. I love my meat." I replied taking another sip of my tea. He chuckled and stacked our plates up. "It's my turn to ask a question..." He reminded me. "Alright, shoot." I answered.

"What was the best Christmas gift you ever got?" He asked smiling. This is a tough one. I thought back to all my childhood memories and tried to remember a time where my family was all together. My parents, when they were alive, always seemed to be working and never had time for the holidays. I was always passed between neighbors that wouldn't mind watching me, and never really experienced a real Christmas. There was on year though that I could remember where I was the happiest.

"When I was ten years old my parents got me my first camera.." I started, "My parents weren't the type to spend a whole lot of time with me on holidays, but on this year in particular, it actually felt like we were a family. I can still remember opening that gift. The way the red and green shiny paper felt on my fingertips as I opened the gift. And then the shock. That camera was my absolute favorite, I never put it down." I smiled remembering the moment. Then I felt the tears come to my eyes, that memory was always a tough one.

I felt a hand on mine, and looked down to see Scotty's hand on top of mine. I looked up at him, and he was smiling back. "That's a beautiful story." He said with a few tears in his own eyes. "Thanks." I noticed the way that his hand felt on mine, it was a warmth that I liked.

"What about you?" I asked, "what was your favorite Christmas gift?" He grinned and shrugged. "Probably the year I got my first guitar.." He responded and looked at the table. "I was about 11 or 12, and my grandpa gave me a guitar. I was so excited, I wanted to learn how to play. He even signed me up for lessons. He helped me love the guitar from an early age, and I will always be thankful for that." He finished and smiled at me. "That was my favorite gift."

We exchanged a few more questions, before we headed back out to his truck. It was getting colder out, with a blistering cold wind blowing. Scotty walked close to me, blocking the way the wind was blowing. He was such a gentleman. When we stopped at his truck, he opened the door for me. As we took off down the road, I let a yawn slip out.

"You tired?" Scotty asked glancing over and then back at the road. "A little bit.." I admitted. I focused on trying to stay awake. But it was tough with the darkness surrounding me, and the warmth of the heater in his truck. "You can go to sleep, I will wake you up when we get to your place." He promised. I nodded an felt my eyes droop.

Maybe some sleep wouldn't hurt.

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