Chapter 8

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--Scotty McCreery--

My heart raced as I waited for an answer. I have been wanting to ask Jenna out since our day at the ice rink. When we kissed earlier, it was the best kiss I have ever had, and I knew that we were the perfect match.

"Yes, of course I will be your girlfriend." Jenna smiled and I took a breath of relief. She said yes. I smiled and leaned towards her. We shared another kiss, and it was even better than the first. She smiled against my lips and I pulled away. "We better get back to my parents before they get worried." I stated letting go of her hands and starting back up the engine.

"Well it's about time y'all got back!" My mom exclaimed reaching for the eggs that were in the sack in my hands. I smiled and looked over and Jenna. She was talking with Ashley, and was showing her some pictures on her phone.

"Sorry mama, Jenna hadn't eaten yet, so we stopped to get her something." I explained helping her unpack what we bought at the store. My mom started on the cookies, and sent the rest of us to the other room to start on another movie. This time we were going to watch White Christmas. My dad put in the movie, and I took a spot on the couch next to Jenna. I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder.

My mom joined us in the living room, and she sat on the other couch next to Ashley and Trent. My parents flipped off the lights, and the movie began.

The soldiers came on the screen, and I felt Jenna move closer to me. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Have you told them yet?" She whispered and I looked over to see if anyone heard that. Everyone's face was glued to the tv, and they hadn't seemed to be listening.

"Not yet." I whispered back and took her hand in mine. "But don't worry, I'll tell them tonight... That is, if they don't figure it out themselves." I smiled and she nodded in agreement. We focused back on the movie, and I got lost in the storyline. I always loved this movie, even if it was considered more of a chick flick. Ashley used to always make fun of me in my teenage years, because I always wanted to watch this over most Christmas movies, but I didn't mind it.

About halfway through the movie, I noticed that Jenna's breathing had steadied, and she hadn't moved in awhile. She must've fallen asleep. I carefully reached behind me and pulled a small blanket off the back to cover her with. As I moved, her head started to slide off my shoulder, and I carefully moved it down to my lap. Once she looked comfortable, I placed the blanket over her, and relaxed to finish watching the movie.

My eyes tried to stay on the screen, but I couldn't help but watch Jenna sleep. She was so peaceful and innocent. My hand moved to her head, and I ran my fingers through her hair. It's hard to believe in such a short amount of time, I have fallen for an amazing girl. God sure does move in amazing ways.

"Psst.." I heard from across the room and looked up to see Ashley pointing to her cell phone. She pointed back to me, and I got the message. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I saw that I had a message from her, and I read it.

'Ash: Are you two dating yet?!'

My heart raced and I looked up at her. I knew that once I told my family, they would make a huge deal out of this. I looked back down at Jenna and remembered the promise I made. I promised I would tell them tonight. I took a deep breath and began typing.

'Yeah. We are dating... But please don't make too big of a deal out of this. I really like her, and I don't want to scare her off...'

I sent back and smiled down at Jenna who moved against my lap. She didn't wake, and nestled back into her sleep. I saw my phone light up, and saw Ashley had replied.

'Ashley: Don't worry. We won't make too big of a deal out of it... ;)'

I chuckled and clicked to my lock screen. The movie was just coming to an end, and I knew that was the cue for the cookie decorating to start happening. Earlier the oven alarm had went off, and my mom disappeared to get out the cookies. Since then, the smell had drifted into the living room, and my mouth has been watering to get some cookies in my stomach.

I waited until the subtitles started to roll, before I woke up Jenna. It took a few tries, but then she opened her eyes and smiled up at me. "This is a different view from when I fell asleep.." She giggled and slowly sat up. Her hair was slightly messed up from where she fell asleep, and immediately her left hand worked to straighten it back out. I watched and smirked at how cute she was. "Well, sleeping beauty, it's about time you awoke." I winked and stood to stretch.

She stood beside me and folded up the blanket, while my eyes wandered to the kitchen where everyone else seemed to retreat to.

"You guys ready to decorate?!" I heard Ashley shout. And I looked over at Jenna who finished folding the blanket. She smiled at me and nodded.

"Yep! We are coming!" I shouted back, reached for Jenna's hand, and we headed towards the kitchen to decorate some cookies.

Forget To Forget You (Scotty McCreery Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें