Chapter 3

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--Jenna Caldwell--
"Jenna can you cover for me for today's session?" Carol asked me as we walked into the studio. "Sure. Why, what do you have to do?" I asked confused. I said hello to Jamie at the front desk as we continued to the back.

"I have a date.." She smiled and I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't be surprised. "What's his name?" I asked smirking. "John.. I think.." She thought for a moment and I shook my head. Typical Carol. "By the way thanks for informing me that Scotty was a famous country singer." I crossed my arms and shot her a look. "You seriously didn't know?!" She asked and I shook my head. "Heck no! And you did!" I exclaimed.

I was completely surprised to find out that the guy I was hanging out with was Scotty McCreery. I went home after we hung out last night and googled him. It was weird seeing all the things he is known for, and I had no idea! Of course, this doesn't change anything about him, but it still would've been nice I know beforehand.

"I'm sorry bestie. I'll be sure and let you know next time." She apologized and I laughed. "Of course, because I will be hooking up with famous people left and right from now on." I chuckled and she smiled. That smile shortly faded when our names were called because we had to get to work.

I love my job. It's so relaxing to get to disappear behind a camera. Of course, I don't get to take the actual picture because I am just helping out. But I love what I do. In my free time, I enjoy taking photos of the world around me, and I dream that one day I will have my own studio.

Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I walked out to my car and pulled out my phone. I saw I had a text from Scotty. 'Scotty: Hey! The guys and I are going skating tonight! You in?' It said. I was surprised that he asked if I wanted to go. I would think that the guys wouldn't like having a girl in the group, but they must be cool with it.

'Sure... But I've never skated before..' I texted back and tossed my phone on the seat beside me and took off down the road. I stopped at the chick-fil-a down the street and went inside to get my food. I got it to go, and drive back to the studio. I decided to eat in the car before I headed back in to work, and I found the local country radio station.

I began eating and heard my phone vibrate in the seat beside me. I picked it up and saw another message from Scotty. 'Scotty: Don't worry, I'll catch ya if you fall... And we won't laugh too loud. ;)' I read and chuckled. I was about to reply when his name popped up on my screen. I answered and heard him chuckling.

"We may laugh though.." He said and I refrained from laughing. "Well in that case, you guys can skate and I will watch." I suggested. He fell silent as if he was thinking about it. "That's not fair. You have to at least try once.. I will help you, I promise." He begged and I began eating as we talked. "Okay.. Fine." I replied sticking a fry in my mouth. "Awesome! So what's up?" He asked and I swallowed before replying. "Not much. Just on my lunch break." I admitted and finished the rest of my fries. "Cool. Want to know what I am doing?" Scotty asked and I could sense he was going to say something to tease me. "Sure, what are you doing?" I asked and I could imagine him smiling.

"I'm laying in my bed." I heard him yawn and I shook my head. "You are lazy." I replied and he chuckled. "And you are jealous." He smartly suggested. "That's what you think smarty pants." I tossed my trash into the bag and crumpled it up. "I am smart, aren't I?!" "Don't get too big headed." I warned and he laughed. "Good to see that you aren't taking the whole famous thing seriously." He added and I nodded. "I bet it's annoying when people do." I pondered and saw that my break was ending in a few minutes. "Well, I hate to cut this short, but my break is over. I'll see you later." I said. "Alright. Have a good day. I'll pick you up at 7." Scotty replied. I took note in my head and smiled. "Alright, see you tonight." I said and he chuckled. "What?!" I asked. "Nothing. See you tonight Jenna." He answered before we hung up. I shook my head and headed inside. This boy is something else.

By the end of my day, I was exhausted. The session that I got to assist was an engagement session, and I had a blast. Now it was time to head home and get ready to head out with the guys. I opened the door to my small house and shut it before taking off my coat and tossing it on the rack. I had 2 hours to get ready.

I climbed up the stairs and walked into my room. I plugged my phone up to charge, before heading over to my dresser. I picked out an outfit, and headed into the bathroom to change. I decided to wear a grey sweater with a white scarf, a pair of jeans, and some boots. I got dressed and curled my hair as well as added just a touch of makeup. After getting ready, I grabbed my phone and waited downstairs until it was time to leave.

I started to doze off on my couch, when I heard my doorbell ring. It took me a moment to remember that Scotty was picking me up, and I jumped up and checked the mirror in the hall before I answered the door. He stood on the other side, and he smiled when he saw me. "Hey! I thought you forgot when I texted and you didn't reply." He said relieved and I felt bad. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep on the couch." I explained and grabbed my coat and camera. I handed him my camera case as I slipped my coat on. "What's this?" He asked. "That's my camera. I figured I might get some photos on our adventure." I explained and grabbed my bag. I stepped out the door beside Scotty and shut the door.

"Our adventure huh?" He smirked and I grabbed the camera. "Yep. Because I never know what to expect when I am with you three." I stated and Scotty laughed. "Alright. That's fair." He smiled and we walked to his truck. He opened the door for me, and then got in on his side.

We listened to the radio on our way there, and I let out a yawn. "You sure you are up to this?" Scotty asked eyeballing me from his side of the car. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired from today." I admitted and he nodded. We arrived a few minutes later at a small rink, and he opened my door and helped me out of the truck. I spotted Kyle and Colin over near the skate rentals, and we made our way over to them. "Hey guys!" Scotty said and they waved. "Took you guys long enough, we were wondering if y'all ditched us!" Colin exclaimed and Scotty smirked. "Sorry, somebody fell asleep..." He pointed towards me. I have him a light push and he chuckled.

We all got our skates, and found the nearest bench to change into them. I watched the others lace their skates up and tie them with ease and I sat in confusion. How the heck do they do that? Kyle took off on the ice first, followed by Colin. Scotty finished last and he looked over at me. He noted the skates on the ground next to my feet and laughed.

"Need a hand." He asked raising his eyebrows. "If you don't mind.." I responded. He smirked and began clapping his hands. It took me a minute to realize what he was doing and I hit his arm. "Come on you dork." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and sat on his knees as he worked on getting my skates on. "There. All done." He smiled and stood up. "Let's hit the ice."

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